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Changing your is thing that takes a lot of energy from you. But deeds start from . The should be based on something you clearly understand. The things you clearly understand. The fundamental you found for, is what makes your starting point solid and strong, so you can start moving forward through thoughts to deeds!

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If someone has followed some usefull acvounts on mostodon pls share them in comments ( foreing languages tutors, traveling tips, programöing tips)

Nothing usefull again... an idea that mos... will be more informative and usefull then the twitter was totally ruined, right after migration started...

Funniest thing I saw is, when some Pythonist coding a programm and then explains that universe appeared by an accident.

Modern days post about quality of a coffee that you bought in shop is more interesting to people then any publication about God. If I would like to change thing the way a state them in sentence above, I would definetly populize content that will tell a lot of truth but a small lie in key things, and dangerous lies packaged in truth.
Like all history of humankind showed, and like all the trully sientific reserches approoved. The best arguments for God existence are explored, right after people started use sientific methods in religion. The sience can tell you much more about people, thinhgs and their creator , when you try use it to understand how God making everithing exist and work, then when you trying to use it to make people not believe in Him

The best thing is to know that Someone creates the universe every moment (blink) of an existence. That thought explains everything and makes you calm.

When too much things said about importance and priority of a sience, and you understend that you dont know noyhing in comparision of unknown... and all that what said definetly describes nothing... :ablobaww:

Why we always feel our childhood as best time? The best time for everyone who we used to know at that period. We recall oldies and our friends as happy people at that time.

Did you know? World reads Risale-i Nur! Famous Turkish Islamic Scholar's books translated to 55 languages.

What do you prefer?

Changing your is thing that takes a lot of energy from you. But deeds start from . The should be based on something you clearly understand. The things you clearly understand. The fundamental you found for, is what makes your starting point solid and strong, so you can start moving forward through thoughts to deeds!

is main trend in last decade. And this trend is bigger and bigger ftom day to day. :PinkMaddyRun: :sonic:

Also Me :verified: boosted

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Also Me :verified: boosted

I'm really suprised with people that cant recognise the priority of thinga in their life. How people can live without God.
How they understand the reality. What they think about it?... Why they live?...
What makes sense without God and hereafter?... Just time spending... There should be a reason. Everything reasonly, or reasonless. If I would imagine that life is reasonless, i cant believe that it exist.

Faced really superior crazy situation. People forced me to tell that i sorry for "crime" that i did. But there was no crime. They just lied on me. And I did not do what they put on me. But any way they took me to judge, and said that i was guilty, but they forgive me (for what i didnt do, and let me go. And after that some of them changed their decision and now they say that lettin me go was a mistake, because, my sorrow was fake. In reality their blame is fake. They know that i didnt done what they said. And everybody know that. Its all fake and lie from their side. They blame people in what they never did. This people are working on satan himself.

I shoud brew some coffee and make some money. But looks like, now im gonna find someone who will brew my coffee and try to find way to get more money - thats probably relevant. :blobcatfluffpout:

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