@kmic true (for her), that means without hereafter nothing have sense, nothing matters. That makes all harmony in the world useless as all the laws that we found. All creatures became useless. They matter only like a material after that. And all culture and inventions, all charity became totally useless and lie. What the reason to prolong life if it will be execution in the end (in not much then 80 yrs, and big part of that time most people experience different kind of problems) without any existence?
I decide that all that uncountable expenses and all that complicatedness of life support on our Earth in each moment of time linking and evolving all the universe in that process is looking too programmed to be a result of unknown accident without any goal or result. Sorry but atheism as concept the most useless stuff ever tried to be implemented to science. So dumb sofistic idea looks much serious in comparison.
@jdmyeepa So small, so perfectly designed, so smart created. Who is the author?
@fxcrnr really nice photos
@stancarey Some people start crying when they look at Art, but sometimes I am near to start crying when I see such creations. The Greatest Master who created them, must be the only Creator of whole universe.
What you learn new after you join to #qoto?
@skanman when even random is not so random
@skanman Qotopolizer
@zencibiskuvi bundan daha kötü bir şey hayatında çıkmasın.
@aizelauna @kjr I see.
@aizelauna @kjr actually there is the virus that lives in peoples vines and appeared long ago before they created covid. I call it an "iconism". They like look to people trough their steretyped glasses, ignoring any objectivity. İn my region much more people died after vaccination. Probably in his (her) region vaccine saved a lot of people lives. But I think it depends.
@deli_rum sounds very familsr for me
@JonKramer sounds lik3 an instagram post
@marathon0 @erikdesmedt but what you'll say about forks, such NeoStore, are they trusty as f-droid. Have you heard about them?
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