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@baijiu Hi, Google translated that as 'When it can’t be done, open four and open two when it can. I don’t know if there are too many people on Monday. This bit of trouble was damned to jump in the line' I hope that's amusing, since I doubt it is what you meant.

@Phaedrus A trillion, here, a few trillion there - pretty soon you're talking real money.

A man goes into a bar with a frog sticking out of his forehead. The bartender looks, then asks him what the deal is. "It started out as a wart on my butt." says the frog.

Could the National Popular Vote pass in enough more states this fall to affect the USA 2020 Presidential Election?
“The National Popular Vote bill will take effect when enacted into law by states possessing 270 electoral votes (a majority of the 538 electoral votes). …
The bill will take effect when enacted by states possessing an additional 74 electoral votes.
The National Popular Vote bill has now passed a total of 41 state legislative chambers in 24 states. It has also passed at least one legislative chamber in 9 states possessing 88 electoral votes (AR, AZ, ME, MI, MN, NC, NV, OK, VA). It has been unanimously approved at the committee level in 2 states possessing 27 more electoral votes (GA, MO).”
How likely are each of these states to pass the National Popular Vote? Remember, “(AR, AZ, ME, MI, MN, NC, NV, OK, VA)”

There's not enough time for half-measures for our climate, for our economics, or for our society. A vote for Biden/Harris is wasted compared to a vote for Hawkins/Walker. Biden/Harris need to do the responsible thing and step out of the race for the greater good, because they are not equal to the job they are running for. They are too compromised by suicidally greedy, rich and insane industrialists to do what needs to be done.

Long post 

@khird Thank you for the thoughtful response.

In late 2019, CCI and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) worked together on Trust CoLab.

The aim was to engage with experts, using an online platform, to develop a set of alternative scenarios about the future of medicine and health care.

In Trust CoLab, more than 100 experts from around the globe developed scenarios about the evolution of trust in medicine and health care between now and 2040.

The exercise identified one potential development that quickly became quite salient: the prospect of a global pandemic leading to drastic changes in health care practices, in particular, an emphasis on baseline care provided to all. This possibility is spelled out in Scaling the Tried and True, one of the four scenarios developed in the exercise.

Read about this and the other three scenarios in the final report: "Trust or Consequences 2040."

Nice work by Brian Snyder, (linked below)! I especially like the idea of complementing utilitarian ethics with Kantian/deontological ethics, instead of just replacing one with the other. I think Marxism, in theory, in striving for better, less self-interested people, continues Monotheistic traditions of individual aspiration toward collective norms( Someone else wrote this somewhere), and both the history of theocracies and of Marxism, compared to Western neoliberal current history, demonstrate that either extreme, utilitarian or deontological, may yield worse results than a combination. But H.T. Odum’s perspective that each society is a dissipative structure, whose structure is dependent on a certain amount of energy flow, sheds light on the cost of complexity in ethics. In other words, maintaining a complex ethical system (say combining utilitarian and deontological ethics) costs some measure of the sunlight incident on a social-and-ecological system. What do you think?

Nice work by Brian Snyder, (linked below)! I especially like the idea of complementing utilitarian ethics with Kantian/deontological ethics, instead of just replacing one with the other. I think Marxism, in theory, in striving for better, less self-interested people, continues Monotheistic traditions of individual aspiration toward collective norms( Someone else wrote this somewhere), and both the history of theocracies and of Marxism, compared to Western neoliberal current history, demonstrate that either extreme, utilitarian or deontological, may yield worse results than a combination. But H.T. Odum’s perspective that each society is a dissipative structure, whose structure is dependent on a certain amount of energy flow, sheds light on the cost of complexity in ethics. In other words, maintaining a complex ethical system (say combining utilitarian and deontological ethics) costs some measure of the sunlight incident on a social-and-ecological system. What do you think?

Democrats are the party who hate rich old white men and cops, whose presidential candidate and his running mate are a rich old white man and a cop. Democrats are the party of Black Lives Matter whose presidential candidate and running mate are together responsible for the passing of more laws and legislation directly and indirectly responsible for ending more black lives -- by murder, imprisonment, inescapable poverty... -- than probably every other politician combined.
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