Our second paper (out of two) is out. In this one, we tackle the problem: How to simulate efficiently simulate complex networks in a universal quantum computer.

Thanks, Duarte and João for this work.


@DrSuzanne @pewterbaw i tough quant was from quantum 😅. Yeah Quantitative makes much more sense.

Can help you thete sorry. Good luck do.

Super happy to announce that our new paper "On the complexity of quantum link prediction in complex networks" is out.


I often am asked by people fleeing anti-trans states, "where should I move to?"

I created the anti-trans legislative risk map to help answer that question.

I am releasing my first post-election legislative risk map today. Subscribe to support my work.


@thesecretsarah cool to see hoe many scientists are moving to this platform

RT @kmnitesh05@twitter.com

Interested in applications of Graph theory based dynamic community analysis in science?
Check out our new publication, "Dynamic Community Detection Decouples Multiple Time Scale Behavior of Complex Chemical Systems."
The link is provided below:

🐦🔗: twitter.com/kmnitesh05/status/

picking a mastodon server to join is easy -- just think of it like you're allying with one of many families in a war-torn medieval land, each with their own histories, feuds, laws, blood rituals

The number of times I, a professor who mostly only teaches math now, look at a paper with a mathematical formula to define something I can mostly intuit with words, and try to go back and forth between lots of little greek symbols, briefly give up, start again, and maaaaaaaybe succeed is just embarrassing

CompleNet this year will be held in Portugal and in a city that is very dear to me, Aveiro (where i got my undergrad and master’s degree.)

Deadline for abstract submission is November, 30.

For my vegan friends. There is a fantastic vegan restaurant there, Musgo with amazing chamussas.


Hello fellow Mastodonians,

I'm an #epidemiologist with #ADHD at the University of Leeds. I think epidemiology is the world's greatest profession, even though most people think it involves studying skin &/or epidurals.

Most of my content is either about the awesomeness of Epi, the weirdness of ADHD, geeky stuff about #CausalInference, or angry stuff about the culture in #academia.

My proudest moment in 12+ years on Twitter was making the meme below.


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.