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U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls to eliminate use of fossil fuels,

Addressing the delegates, Guterres said, "We cannot save a burning planet with a fire hose of fossil fuel," and he called for the acceleration of "a just and equitable transition to renewable energy."

#Climate #Klima #climat #COP28

@vicgrinberg I'm just starting my Saturday here in California, and will try to follow your example.

Getting together with sister, brother-in-law this morning to talk with Mom about her desires for funeral arrangements. Mom is 10 years into a 1-year life expectancy with stage 4 cancer; no immediate end in sight, but it's always looming.

With the growing authoritarianism and hate here in the US, I'm despondent at the thought that my grandkids (ages 6, 11, 12, 15) will come of age in a world that chooses to blame others and go to war rather than work together to survive the upcoming climate changes.

Meanwhile, it's time to find a place for a good cappuccino, and catch up with my sister, who I haven't seen for months. And later today, to work with friends from Lahaina/Maui on raising funds to recover from the devastating fires there.

So yes, let's take care of ourselves and try for a productive weekend, not obsessing about the weltschmertz.

(Unimportant question: I'm never sure whether or not to capitalize German nouns in English sentences. It looks wrong both ways.)

When we found out that deodorants were destroying the ozone layer, did we stay telling people to use less toilet spray and buy less Axe? No, we legislated big corps and the problem was completely solved after a few years. What's with the cult of personal responsibility, why are we still here telling people that if they don't take the plane and use paper straws maybe grandma won't lose her house to the rising tides before she dies in an 'unprecedented' heatwave?

The plummeting use of coal for German electricity, with a bump during 2021 and 2022 (high gas price).
Mostly thanks to renewables, producing around 60% of German electricity so far this year.

[Sure, still too much coal, should go to zero]

PS 8% of 2023 still to go ;)
#fossilfuels #coal #ClimateChange #renewables

LGBTQ+ teens won a grant for their school. Adults sent the money back.

The kids are part of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, and the organization that gave them the grant helps uplift those in the LGBTQ+ community who are struggling.

#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

This is the ideal watch. One hand. 24 hours. 360 degrees.

The colorful blobs are appointments pulled from the calendar. The gradient on the face adjusts with the seasons and sunrise/sunset.

Tap on a color and it shows you text about the appointment, tap and hold and open the calendar.

The end.

I was pretty surprised to see this headline in the Washington Post, but I'm glad the media is finally saying it. Long article, gift with audio. "In just a few years, we have gone from being relatively secure in our democracy to being a few short steps, and a matter of months, away from the possibility of dictatorship." #USPolitics #Trump

Duke University Libraries are canceling their subscription to Basecamp. Their post explaining the move is very good, and worth your time:

Politicians across the EU claim they are committed to upholding free speech and expression. But their support of harmful provisions contained within Article 17 of the EU Media Freedom Act shows otherwise. EU lawmakers must reject the content moderation suspense for media service providers.

@GottaLaff I’m not for violence either. I think it’s still possible to win democracy back playing by the rules.

In her recent interview with Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow makes a strong argument that the only way to defend democracy is by using democracy.

Donald Trump and his GOP allies are not being subtle about their plans to end our democracy in 2025. We will need to mobilize at 2020 levels to stop Trump and his MAGA movement again. Please let us know how you would like to get involved in 2024:

@bocs I’ve never gone for speed in , and don’t plan on it this year. I’ll be in California next week. I’m a morning person, and puzzling at 9pm is not for me. I’ll wait until the next morning.

@marick @schwaigbub I'll look forward to hearing that interview.

My experience in the 1980s both at HP and at Bell Northern Research was that commercial development was consistently waterfall.

I'm sure there were other cultures in other places, though. In the mid-70s, my undergraduate physics class visited Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton, near San José. The astronomers there were hacking stuff in FORTH on a PDP-8 to run their observations.

Pollution from coal-fired power plants killed 460,000 people between 1999 and 2020, according to a new estimate

It's almost time for Advent of Code. My laptop broke and needs to go back to Apple for repair. 😱

This prodded me to try something I've been meaning to try for a while: an IDE in the cloud. After an afternoon of fiddling, my repo is configured for use with Gitpod. Now I'm ready for Dec 1 on Friday.

(This will let me code on my work computer, without having to get clearance from IT to install non-work stuff.)

Repo has a bunch of rough edges, but sharing in case the gitpod config files are useful to anybody.

This OKTA harfiles hack update is a rollercoaster and a lot of people are remarking on the "While 94% of Okta customers already require MFA for their administrators" revelation that 6% of the people who _control authentication for their orgs don't use MFA_ - which is definitely very bad - I want to take a moment to look at this picture of an industrial paper cutter.

Longtime readers, you've heard me go off on this before.

@StillIRise1963 Pretty much yeah. I think we all need to start holding up President Biden as our WISE ELDER. Which in fact he is. Then suddenly all those visual cues that currently read as "old guy" get re-read as "seasoned, experienced, authoritative, wise." Us humans understand the 2orld via tropes, we oughta start using them more consciously. IMHO.

Today in Labor History November 28, 1843: The Kingdom of Hawaii was officially recognized by the United Kingdom and France as an independent nation. Consequently, the date is now known as Ka Lā Hui (Hawaiian Independence Day). The nation was formed in 1795, when the warrior chief Kamehameha the Great, of the independent island of Hawaiʻi, conquered and unified the independent islands of Oʻahu, Maui, Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi. The U.S. became its chief trading partner and “protector” to prevent other foreign powers from seizing control. In 1891, the Committee of Safety, led primarily by foreign nationals from the U.S., U.K. and Germany, and some dissident locals, overthrew Queen Liliʻuokalani. And in 1898, the U.S. annexed Hawaiʻi, making it a territory of the U.S. In 1993 Congress passed the Apology Resolution, acknowledging that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii was by agents and citizens of the U.S. and that the Native Hawaiian people never relinquished their claims to sovereignty.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #colonialism #hawaii #NativeHawaiian #indigenous

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