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Timothy Snyder: We have been trained by digital media to believe that only what happens right now matters. But the people who intend to destroy the American constitutional republic have learned from the past. One of the basic elements of Project 2025, for example, is what the Nazis called Gleichschaltung: transforming the civil service into a fascist nest.

‘Weird interaction with a student. They keep coming up with weird “facts” (“Greek is a combination of four other languages”) that left me baffled. I said let’s look this stuff up together, and they said OK, I open a search bar, and they opened … Ch*tGPT. And I was like “this is not a search bar” and they were like “yes it is, you can search for anything in here”.

Each individual kid is now hooked into a Nonsense Machine.’

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@TheBreadmonkey I started using a Kinesis keyboard about 30 years ago. Then Men in Black came out, with black Kinesis keyboards, and suddenly they were cool.

Nowadays, when people walk by my desk and comment on my keyboard, if I mention Men in Black I frequently just get a blank stare. “Was that a movie?”

Despite what some politicians say, crime rates are decreasing

Violent crime in the United States dropped significantly in the first quarter of 2024 compared with the same period last year, according to the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report released earlier this month.

The FBI’s data, collected from nearly 12,000 law enforcement agencies representing about 77% of the country’s population, suggests violent crime dropped by 15% compared with the first quarter of 2023.

The data, which covers reported crimes from January to March, shows a 26.4% decrease in murders, a 25.7% decrease in rapes, a 17.8% decrease in robberies, and a 12.5% decrease in aggravated assaults. Reported property crime also fell by 15.1%.

Nevertheless, the widespread public perception that crime is rising — a perception reinforced by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and many other GOP candidates — could figure prominently in November’s election. And state legislative and gubernatorial candidates from both parties likely also will cite crime statistics on the stump.

In a Gallup poll conducted late last year, 63% of respondents described the crime problem in the U.S. as either extremely or very serious. This is the highest percentage since Gallup began asking the question in 2000.

#USPol #Politics #News #Crime #CrimeRate #FBI

@tusk81 This is what people don't get, government work isn't supposed to be flashy, when it's working well, you should barely notice it. It should just be making your life easier and better.

Spider babies.

When I took the dog out this morning, the were dozens of little spider webs on the grass. Each one is about 2 inches across, and has a tiny red spider on the underside.

TELLING YOU they will have REVENGE, CAMPS and FIRING SQUADS should be enough, ffs.

AI deepfakes are here. I've filed legislation to ban deceptive deepfakes and require disclaimers on AI-generated campaign content.

Voters deserve to know what's real and what's fake.

Maryland Govenor Wes Moore dancing in the street with residents of Catonsville, MD in Baltimore County on July 4, 2024. Ayeeeeee... That's how we do.

My own commentary:

1) mass transit should simply be free

2) public services should be publicly financed and run. Hiring private firms or consultants to implement parts makes sense (@agaric is that, after all) where there's a competitive market for services that both public and private entities need, but turning management, control, and financing over to private equity ensures perverse incentives that make the public pay and suffer on both ends.

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Numeronyms are fun, but they have one major problem: namespace collision.

What is a11y? Is it accessibility? Associatively? Axiomatically? Autobiography?

This is obviously a problem that needs solving.

My solution? SHAsum hashing. We can avoid the ambiguity of "a11y" with this unique, cryptographically sound alternative:

Accessibility? a884a5f3609f2cca635fed56d4ec5795da56fb970y

Axiomatically? a20c4bcee8f977a3f5a3b6b499d52d7dd32584771y

SImple, easy to visually distinguish, everyone wins.

"What I'm most worried about is that we're building an enormous infrastructure for artificial intelligence that is extremely energy- and water-intensive, without looking at the very real downsides in terms of the climate impacts. These large-scale data centers, they use GPUs that are enormously heat-producing. And the water to cool these GPU chips is freshwater. So it's often coming from exactly the same reserves that are used for drinking water."
Kate Crawford

Did you guys know that tomatoes contain seeds that you can use to make other tomatoes?! This shit is WIIIILD, yo. You can just PIRATE tomatoes!?

I grew this! In my lounge! From a seed!?! I totally would download a tomato.

And i thought COMPUTERS were crazy. :mind_blown:

The verses of This Land Is Your Land which you didn't learn in elementary school, and which are never sung:

"As I went walking I saw a sign there,
And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
But on the other side it didn't say nothing.
That side was made for you and me.

In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking
Is this land made for you and me?"


And to be clear, there are many “ops” in play coming from untold corporate and governmental actors. their goal is often to get people fighting, not to push one outcome or another. the way to beat them isn’t to accuse those who disagree of parroting “an op” — the way to defeat targeted misinfo is to think for yourself, listen critically, check your assumptions, be willing to change your mind, and focus on creating real solidarity by putting the most vulnerable at the center

The U.S. Supreme Court is transforming the Constitution into the MAGA Carta.

😷Use precautions, #Covid infections are increasing across the US:

🚨"US CDC quietly changed its position on Covid yesterday. Now says it is a year-round threat and advises multi layered protection, including clean air."
-S Boots

@s31bz It'll be at the Newman Center at the University of Denver on July 20. Berkshire Choral organizes choral events where people come from all over, rehearse intensely, and then perform.

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