Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (14/2024): #Phosh 0.38.0 and other news
#LinuxMobile #postmarketOS #PinePhone #Librem5 #SailfishOS #UbuntuTouch
#SailfishOS #Ofono Day 20 Rework and Resend + some Pinephone audio fixes https://www.piggz.co.uk/sites/pgz/blog/sailfish-ofono-20
For those of you curious this is what the #pinephonepro camera looks like with my autofocus #libcamera This was late at night with only my room light on so it is still pretty noisy but it looks decent enough.
I was playing with #Amazfish today. Now, the Amazfit Neo shows Notifications. Also, find my phone now works with #UbuntuTouch.
(currently in pull request phase)
Everyone is having opinions about #xz and its creator. Working on a FOSS project in your free time can be a lot of fun but is also a thankless task. Even more so if you are doing it alone.
If you use open source software, also consider helping out with the projects. Don't be entitled. No-one owes you their time and effort.
Long awaited community update is here! Introducing PineVox and bone conduction headset (help us find a name!), IronOS progress, PineNote insights, and PineTime news! We also cover cluster failure, state of services, and the future of the community updates. See you in the upcoming Q&A!
All parts of #Lomiri have been upstreamed from #postmarketOS to #AlpineLinux!!! Now it is super easy to test Lomiri yourself! Only the pmOS UI package needs to be built manually. I might write a quick post explaining how to do it if people are interested.
Sit down, relax and read the latest @PINE64 community update!
What a nice way to end this week-end 😎
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (11/2024): Q&A's and Community Updates
#UbuntuTouch #SailfishOS #NemoMobile #PINE64 #PineTab2 #PinePhone #Librem5 #LinuxMobile #postmarketOS #PlasmaMobile #Phosh
Today we're celebrating the 26th anniversary of GNOME 🎉🎉
Thank you to all our outstanding contributors and community members for helping make the #GNOME project what it is today!
Got tired of tiles not being moveable or even able to have four small ones next to each other in a square and I decided to start integrating TilesGrid. Currently it's really finicky and just barely works even when it jitters all over the place (this is a seizure hazard right now), so it's nowhere near ready to be merged yet. You can check it out in the "tilesgrid-integration" branch if you want. Here's a screenshot so far, with more details in the reply:
Pine64 community update contributor, interested in mobile Linux and small PCs.
Average Pinecorn enjoyer!