@jmlich nice work! That will be much more convenient for distros without it packaged 😊
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (14/2024): #Phosh 0.38.0 and other news
#LinuxMobile #postmarketOS #PinePhone #Librem5 #SailfishOS #UbuntuTouch
#SailfishOS #Ofono Day 20 Rework and Resend + some Pinephone audio fixes https://www.piggz.co.uk/sites/pgz/blog/sailfish-ofono-20
@crft I turned off BLE and raise to wake.
@crft correct
For those of you curious this is what the #pinephonepro camera looks like with my autofocus #libcamera This was late at night with only my room light on so it is still pretty noisy but it looks decent enough.
I was playing with #Amazfish today. Now, the Amazfit Neo shows Notifications. Also, find my phone now works with #UbuntuTouch.
(currently in pull request phase)
Everyone is having opinions about #xz and its creator. Working on a FOSS project in your free time can be a lot of fun but is also a thankless task. Even more so if you are doing it alone.
If you use open source software, also consider helping out with the projects. Don't be entitled. No-one owes you their time and effort.
@justsoup thanks for the heads up. Thankfully, in this case, I have the non T model.
I'll tell you what I think.
@justsoup looks good, I'll have to try it on my OP6 today.
@l13u7anant It is being considered, but there is some difficulty due to it being a high price to manufacture, along with a high MOQ. So it's quite risky for Pine Store.
So, there is no timeframe just yet.
Long awaited community update is here! Introducing PineVox and bone conduction headset (help us find a name!), IronOS progress, PineNote insights, and PineTime news! We also cover cluster failure, state of services, and the future of the community updates. See you in the upcoming Q&A!
@dryak oh no, that really sucks :(
All parts of #Lomiri have been upstreamed from #postmarketOS to #AlpineLinux!!! Now it is super easy to test Lomiri yourself! Only the pmOS UI package needs to be built manually. I might write a quick post explaining how to do it if people are interested.
Sit down, relax and read the latest @PINE64 community update!
What a nice way to end this week-end 😎
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (11/2024): Q&A's and Community Updates
#UbuntuTouch #SailfishOS #NemoMobile #PINE64 #PineTab2 #PinePhone #Librem5 #LinuxMobile #postmarketOS #PlasmaMobile #Phosh
Pine64 community update contributor, interested in mobile Linux and small PCs.
Average Pinecorn enjoyer!