Hello here are some friends I met on the [watchredditdie discord](https://discord.gg/jXjTetpvNB). Since we have a critical mass of fediverse people there I think it's a good nexus for outreach and evacuation from discord.
@zleap is the source of the #YearOfTheFediverse tag and banner
@category_mirrory is a fan of category theory and math<->language metaphors such as homomorphism<->metaphor.
@jlj hosts nfld and is an expert in diodes and lateral thinking.
@nar is a big aether buff who is very short on time.
@Liberonscien likes tracing where restaurants get their ingredients.
@category_mirrory @zleap @jlj @Liberonscien
what's an aether buff
A buff is like a fan or a connoisseur or enthusiast. You recognized aether as a classical element and insisted on its spelling. You also promised to say hi to us there :)
@nar @category_mirrory @zleap Someone who actually knows what it is, I would imagine. ;-) Seriously, I’ve sent getaether.net to many people; I don’t remember seeing anyone volunteer it.
@category_mirrory @jlj @nar @Liberonscien
Just to clarify
The #YearOfTheFedivese tag and banner was on the Social.hub forum so I was just sharing it here and elsewhere to help promote.