Sheesh, "Don't Make Love Between Men Into A Weird Grim Obsessive Thing Every Single Bloody Time Challenge 2023".
Looking at you, #Bodies ...
Oh, they were just playing with us in an ordinary sort of way back at 6.5, weren't they? #bodies
I kind of see what they're doing, but I'm not convinced it wouldn't have been better as say a 90-120 minute movie... #bodies
I like the subtle 2053 London accents, too, assuming I'm not imagining it. #bodies
I do eagerly await the explanation of how traveling through time gives you a distinctive wrist tattoo... #bodies
I'm also afraid that we aren't going to find out why the good guy got split into 3+ parts, but the bad guy didn't. (Or didn't so far?) #bodies
"Science what?" XD #bodies
Hm, well, okay, that did have an ending! Not awful, but...
Made from a comic book -- I mean graphic novel -- does rather check out.
Which is to say, if you'd spent like an hour reading it in graphic form, it would have been fun and visually appealing.
But as an eight hour miniseries, there are, well, a number of things that are just left hanging and/or don't make sense to the extent that you'd expect them to in a more primarily (what?) textual piece.
Something like that.
The aging prosthetics aren't amazing, either. Old Amaka Okafor is just as hot (okay, that's arguably realistic) and Old Stephen Graham looks like he's wearing an oldness-mask.