@codykirkp Cool! Not sure what version (3.5?), but it was in a Unix environment in a grad level numerical analysis sequence taught by Fadil Santosa at Delaware. Just the command window and no desktop for a long time. I think the signal processing toolbox was introduced around 1990. After moving to IU in 1992, I kept using it on central Unix systems before moving mainly to PC in early 2000s.
@indianaclimate Oh nice. I did find a copy of version 3.5 for DOS thanks to #winworldpc -- yep, command line, but when you plotted a graphic it went to full screen mode temporarily. I didn't start using it regularly until grad school either (2007a, I think it was).
@codykirkp I wouldn’t have known the actual version number but looking at the date, version 4 sounds about right.