#paperoftheday - today let's read
"A Simple Introduction to Particle Physics"
#science #physics #freelearning
uk pol, lgbtq, official parliament petitions
Add gender identity to the characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/301138/
Make LGBT conversion therapy illegal in the UK https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/300976
Do not ban gender transition treatments for under 18s https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/318025
Allow for a gender neutral option on a passport, such as an "X" https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/301083
Remove the criteria for men who have sex with men to wait before donating blood https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/313693
boring basic relativity
ds^2 = dt^2 - dx^2
ds^2 /dt^2 = 1 - v^2
could really use some latex
boring basic relativity
Why is 4-velocity, the proper time derivative of position, automatically normalized to length 1 (or c, depending on unit convention)?
It is related to the vector (1, 3-velocity) by a factor of gamma, the Lorentz factor. Which also happens to be (?) the inverse of the length of the vector (1, 3-velocity). The Lorentz factor is both the conversion between time and proper time derivative and normalizes 4-velocity.
Slash #CO2, Then Wait—and Wait—for Temperatures to Drop
#ClimateAction taken by the world today wouldn't be noticed for #decades to come, according to researchers who say warming on #Earth won't start to slow down for at least 20 years.
And that's probably an optimistic scenario.
Currently, worldwide #emissions are still #rising.
The situation is similar to a "very large ship, which is at high speed," said Marianne Lund, a #climate #scientist.
Everyone read this classic essay
"More is Different" , Anderson, 1972
#paperoftheday #science #physics
Corona-Impfstoff: Fünf Irrtümer über die Covid-Impfung - Die Welt wartet auf einen Corona-Impfstoff – mit teils falschen Vorstellungen: Weder wird es nur eine Vakzine geben, noch wird sie wohl alle vor einer Infektion schützen. https://www.zeit.de/wissen/gesundheit/2020-07/corona-impfstoff-verfuegbarkeit-wirksamkeit-forschung-irrtuemer
adding #science #fact #reason to your political opinion doesn't make it right
neither does one study. I don't believe there's been an honest attempt to engage with the literature.
the trend is also the fault of those who fall for it
let's shut out the stembro contingent by
- holding points self-tagged as particularly scientific to correspondingly high standards, no boosts if you aren't sure it's our collective best attempt at an honest representation.
- flood some actual, boring, unsexy, everyday science into the #science tag.
arXiv find: "Data science and the art of modelling"
#science #data #paperoftheday
churning lots of data isn't enough for good science
RT @AndreasKemper
Markus Krall fordert, wer #HartzIV bekommt, dem soll das #Wahlrecht entzogen werden. Die #AfD hofiert ihn. Z.B. heute Abend zusammen mit #Meuthen. Gleichzeitig stellt sich die AfD als "Partei des kleinen Mannes" dar.
Want to hear something about the latest chemistry research while doing your laundry? Check out our brand new #sciencepodcast with an interview about #co2reduction with