So you think Fidel Castro was a bad man. The cuban intervention in the South African-Angolan war was one of the reasons apartheid in South Africa fell.
History, people and countries aren't black and white.
#history #africa #politics #ambivalence
@commandelicious Yeah, it's 195 shades of grey.
[perfect pokerface]
Call me the Googlemeister
@commandelicious Yes meister.
Now to have Merkel in an Excel sheet so I could sort it on date and on month... can you google that up for me? ;)
Spreadsheats you say?
@commandelicious Oh gods, that guy has Excel-ed himself. *stops watching* Stupid. XD Though I did have a suspicion where this'd lead to, since I'm known with RGB and pixels. ;)
At least it got decent subs, thanks! :P
Matt Parker is awesome. So is Tom Scott. Random facts guys, too xD
@commandelicious Too random. ;) Anyway the Merkel stuff, it looks like the years don't matter too much. But the sunny days has more often the brightly colored jackets and the darker winter months more often the darker jackets.
Now you know!
Thanks for spamming my brain with useless information ... and you complained about that xD
@commandelicious It was payback time! 😇
@commandelicious Thank you! *goes take a peek*