So you think Fidel Castro was a bad man. The cuban intervention in the South African-Angolan war was one of the reasons apartheid in South Africa fell.
History, people and countries aren't black and white.
#history #africa #politics #ambivalence
@commandelicious Yeah, it's 195 shades of grey.
[perfect pokerface]
@commandelicious It consists of an overview of Merkel's jackets arranged into a chart by colour in a manner similar to the Pantone color chart.
Okay, that killed me. XD
But... now this:
The "Pantone Merkel" also includes captions describing the locations and dates the photos were taken.
I can't seem to find a fullsize picture of that chart because I'd be interested in the dates to see if there's consistency with gradual changing or that it's all random.
Am I overlooking something or is there a fullsize chart somewhere?
@commandelicious Thank you! *goes take a peek*
Call me the Googlemeister
@commandelicious Yes meister.
Now to have Merkel in an Excel sheet so I could sort it on date and on month... can you google that up for me? ;)
Spreadsheats you say?
@commandelicious Oh gods, that guy has Excel-ed himself. *stops watching* Stupid. XD Though I did have a suspicion where this'd lead to, since I'm known with RGB and pixels. ;)
At least it got decent subs, thanks! :P
Matt Parker is awesome. So is Tom Scott. Random facts guys, too xD
Thanks for spamming my brain with useless information ... and you complained about that xD
@commandelicious It was payback time! 😇