I've just finished my new post: TEM mode analysis with #FEniCS an #opensource finite element differential equation solver. https://comphysblog.wordpress.com/2018/09/06/tem-mode-analysis-with-fenics/
In this post I calculate the electric and magnetic fields on a coaxial cable, characteristic impedance of the line, the Poynting vector, the conductor and dielectric loss, an estimated loss coefficient, Q-factor and s-parameter for a given length of cable.
Coax has been a useful example for comparisons with analytical results but the methods are very general. TEM modes of systems with different geometries can also be analysed with the exact same techniques!
Very happy to hear any comments, corrections or suggestions.
@freemo oh yeah =] nice, could actually convince me to use emojis.
The full code from the example, results etc are all on gitlab too https://gitlab.com/comphysblog/coax_tem the notebook has all of the steps and plots etc.
@comphys We have all sorts of nerdy emoji. I added 100+ myself :)
Thanks for the code I will check that out too.