Finally made my 2D magnet post. In this example I do a simple demonstration of finding a magnetic field from a coax, and verify the result with an analytical solution. I then use the same method to find the field inside a dipole magnet of the type used at the LHC; a cos(phi) magnet.
I've just compared my formula for the characteristic impedance of an eccentric coax with results from a series of finite element simulations with FEniCS. They look excellent. I've added them to my post
Here's the electric potential and field overlaid for a uniform cylindrical charge distribution created using FEniCS, an opensource finite element solver. Although this is a simple analytical problem, this technique can be used for much more complicated geometries.
Next up: linear dielectrics, I've tested in both 2D and 3D and I'm ready to write it up =] surprisingly easy!
This blog is dedicated to physics and computing, with a current focus on solving electromagnetic problems using open source tools.
I work in particle beam diagnostics and am a PhD student studying the interaction of particle beams with their surroundings as well as the associated dynamics.
I'm Interested in anything related to particle accelerators, beam dynamics, detectors, electromagnetism and computing for science. I also enjoy tennis, fountain pens, fantasy & sci-fi books and board games.