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🔴 Receptors

🔸 The next hurdle is to make sure that the postsynaptic cell receives that message. And it receives the message through a type of multi-protein complexes called receptors.

🔸 The trans-membrane protein-complexes in the cell membrane form a pore, and through this pore, the ions can travel. So, the Potassium ions can go out, the Sodium ions can come in, and Chloride ions can come in.
Normally these receptors are closed and the ions can't come in. But, when a neurotransmitter binds to the receptor, or a couple of neurotransmitter molecules bind to the receptor, the receptors open and the pore becomes available for the ions to travel along.

🔸 And which way they travel? Depends on the type of receptor. And so, as it turns out, we have two basic classes of receptors.

🔸 There are receptors that have an excitatory effect. Any receptor that takes the membrane potential closer to 0 (from -65mV) is an excitatory receptor.

🔸 On the other hand, if there is a receptor that actually takes the membrane potential away from zero, making it even more negative — thus taking it away from the threshold for the action potential — is an inhibitory receptor.

🔸 The most ubiquitous excitatory receptor is a a glutamate receptor. And the most ubiquitous inhibitory receptor is a GABA receptor.

🔸 The neurotransmitter involved that binds to the inhibitory GABA receptor is a GABA molecule. And the neurotransmitter that binds to the excitatory glutamate receptor is glutamate.

🔸 In Myasthenia Gravis, there are antibodies that the body makes by mistake against these acetylcholine receptors. And so, the antibodies destroy acetylcholine receptors. And therefore, the signal is sent from the motor neuron terminal, but it is not received by the muscle.

🔸 We know that the motor neuron terminal can release acetylcholine and we need to stop degradation of acetylcholine. We're going to give acetylcholinesterase inhibitor to try and keep the acetylcholine around longer, so that it can find it's way to the few remaining acetylcholine receptors.

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🔸 Between two neurons lie the pre-synaptic cell and the post-synaptic cell (cells with the synaptic terminal). They are separated by a short distance called the 'synaptic cleft'.
And the molecules of nerve transmitter are going to make their way from pre-synaptic cell to post-synaptic cell through the synaptic cleft.

🔸 Neurotransmitters need to have a termination, if they are not received by the post-synaptic cell. We use three different mechanisms to terminate the message of a neurotransmitter.

1️⃣ Diffusion: The molecules are simply going to diffuse out if they don't make it to the "ears" of post-synaptic terminal of the receiving neuron. So diffusion is a very effective way to terminate a message.

2️⃣ The second way is through something called re-uptake. And re-uptake is typically in the pre-synaptic terminal. There are channels, or transporters, which take neurotransmitters back up. The neurotransmitters get re-packaged and put back into a new vesicles (which are actually recycled as well).

🔸 And this is really important for drugs like and . And there are drugs that act on the serotonin and dopamine re-uptake transporters that can be used both therapeutically, for instance, to treat depression.

3️⃣ The third way that we terminate a message is through degradation. And in the case of degradation, what we have is enzymes that sit in the synaptic cleft that are just chewing up neurotransmitters. [GIF]

🔸 The molecule that the neurotransmitter where degradation is really important is .
So, in case of acetylcholine, there is an enzyme that sits between the pre-synaptic and the post-synaptic cells, eating up acetylcholine, called acetylcholinesterase (AChE).

🔸 Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that is used by motor neurons. And so, in fact, blocking can be used for therapeutics — in the case of people that are not releasing enough acetylcholine, or don't have enough receptors for the acetylcholine.

🔸 We can boost the amount of acetylcholine in the cleft by inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase. And that's useful for people with diseases such as myasthenia gravis.

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Clostridial Toxins:

🔸 Botox is one of several clostridial toxins made by clostridial bacteria. And the full name of Botox is actually botulinum toxin.

🔸 The vesicles are held very close to the cell membrane. What holds them? A group of three proteins, two of them anchored in the cell membrane, one of them anchored in the vesicle membrane. This complex is called the snare complex.

🔸 And what happens when calcium comes in is that it changes snare complex's shape. Ca²⁺ changes snare's configuration to being in a straight line. [see GIF]

🔸 So that pushes the vesicle into the plasma membrane and fusion Is inevitable. It takes a lot of energy for them not to fuse, and when they're that close, it's inevitable.

🔸 It's the snare pin's sensitivity to calcium that is the final event that allows the vesicle to fuse with the cell membrane.

🔸 Botox comes in and cuts a particular protein of these proteins of the snare pin. But the clostridial toxins cut a variety of places in these three proteins that make up the snare pin.

🔸 If the snare pin is broken for whatever reason, if that is cut, then release doesn't happen.

🔸 Nowadays, we use clostridial toxins all the time — and we use them for very serious problems, such as focal dystonia, where there is an inappropriate continual contraction of a muscle, and that is a basal ganglia disorder.

💉 So, the Botox is injected at a very low dose, very locally.
And Botox is used for a large variety of treatments of various disorders. It's also used cosmetically.

🔸 And the interesting thing about it's use in cosmetics is that, before the widespread use of Botox, we made our own wrinkles. And what Botox is doing is preventing the motor neuron from releasing the neurotransmitter on to the muscle, and thereby preventing us from actively making our own wrinkles.

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🔸 How do we get the neurotransmitter out of the vesicle and out of the cell and make it able to go and affect another cell?

🔸 There is a cell membrane, but the cell also has a lot of other membranes that are inside. Inside in these things called organelles.

🔸 The fusion between two different membranes happens constitutively. And the challenge for a neuron is to stop that.
We can't have these vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane, with the cell membrane all the time. That would not work.

🔸 What we want to do is we want to make the vesicle fuse to the membrane **only when the action potential arrives** .

🔸 So the key to neurotransmitter release is two things:
1. We're going to suppress constitutive or ongoing release.
2. We are going to link the release that we want in the synaptic terminal to the action potential.

🔸 There is a molecule that suppresses constitutive release within the synaptic terminal.

🔸 When the action potential comes in, the membrane potential increases and it opens a particular type of ion channel that lets in calcium ions.

🔸 These are positively charged ions with two positive charges. And, these calcium ions are going to flood in to the synaptic terminal, and that is going to trigger release.

🔸 The release that happens of vesicles that contain neurotransmitters is only when the calcium concentration increases.

🔸 All that happens when the calcium concentration increases is that the vesicular membrane and the the cell membrane fuse.
And the calcium concentration only increases when the action potential arrives.

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🧫 The synaptic terminal has these entities here, which are called synaptic vesicles, and they're small, little organelles.

🧫 They're little vesicles made of a membrane; just like the cell has a cell membrane, these vesicles have a vesicular membrane.
The neurotransmitters are within the vesicular membrane.

🧫 And, the neurotransmitter can be any number of a number of different molecules — , , , , , , , , , .

🧫 The neurotransmitters are packaged in vesicles. The second thing that's important about this is that we can use the synthesis of a as a therapeutic tool.

🧫 So, for instance, Dopamine is missing in .
It's not that dopamine isn't made per say, that's there's a problem with making it — it's that the cells that make it die.

🧫 There's something called 'Mass Effect', which means that you take the starting chemical (the substrate) and then through a series of enzymatic processes reaction, through a series of enzymatic reactions, we end up with a neurotransmitter.

🧫 In the case of Dopamine, what we do to treat in most people with Parkinson's is that we give them the substrate — and so that (drug) is what is commonly known as or .

🧫 So we flood the system with substrate, and the goal is to get a little bit of that neurotransmitter out of the system.

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:india: Meghalaya,

Just in case you're not aware of: Meghalayan Age, named after , is the latest age or uppermost stage of the Quaternary. It is also the upper, or latest, of three subdivisions of the .

🌋 🌏

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🧠 The dura mater, tough mother, is the most outer layer of the meninges, and inside of that layer is the . And the arachnoid is the filmy-like substance and it covers the entire surface of the brain. It doesn't invaginate with every hill and valley of the brain.
Pia, the final layer of the meninges, is too fine to be seen.

🧠 The dura is separated from the brain by a layer of fluid, and what that does is that it circles the brain and it in-cases the brain in this bag of fluid. So that, as the brain moves around, it's cushioned -- it can't bang against the skull because it's cushioned by the fluid.

🧠 In the , the dura is right up against the skull; there's no separation. They can't be separated, except if there's a bleed. And that is a very dangerous situation, that's a medical emergency.
If there's a bleed between the skull and dura. If there's some injury and blood gets in there that's a medical emergency.

🧠 In contrast to the situation in the cranium, where the dura is right up against the bone, the dura in the spinal cord is not up against the . So there's a lot of space. It's not up against the bone. And therefore, you can imagine that increasing pressure in the cranium is a much bigger deal.

🧠 If the dura is tough, the dural folds are doubly tough, because they are actually double, double folds -- folds made of two layers of dura.

🧠 There's a fold called the Falx Cerebri, and it goes between the two parts of the brain, between the two hemispheres.
Tentorium is the dural fold that goes between the cerebrum and the cerebellum.

🧠 The most important point of these folds, or one of the benefits of these folds, is that they separate problems, pressure problems, into three compartments.

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The spinal cord and the brain make up the central nervous system.
Foramen magnum is the hole where the spinal cord comes up, and it joins and continues with the brain.
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🔸 One source of brain tumors is metastasis -- which are spreads from other tumors, so for instance, lung tumors.

🔸 The brain tumors are a problem because they exist within the cranium, and the cranium is a fixed, bony container. It can't expand. And as a tumor expands, the cranium is not going to expand. It's going to increase the pressure and we're going to have a problem.

🔸 Neurons don't make tumors because they don't divide at all, and they don't get into this uncontrolled division. So what makes tumors? Well, it's other cell types within the brain. And the primary one that does this are .

🔸 Glial cells don't have the limits on division that neurons do. So, glial cells can divide and make these tumors. And so, , tumors of glial cells, are the most common type of brain tumor.

🔸 Another type of brain tumor is the type that comes from a division of meningeal cells, and these are called .

🔸 And finally, the other major type of brain tumor is are tumors that come from glandular cells.

🔸 These glandular cells are not neurons. They're gland cells, and they can divide without control. The other gland that we have in our head is called the pituitary, and these pituitary cells can also divide and that's called 'pituitary adenomas'. These 's are fairly common. They account for about 10 to 25% of inter-cranial tumors.

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🔸 There's a barrier, a fence that is the demarcation between central and peripheral nervous-systems. And that fence is made up of three membranes, and those three membranes are the 'meninges'.
🔸 There are three meningeal layers, and the three layers go from very weak, very tender, the pia, to very tough, the dura and, in between, there's a spidery thing called the arachnoid.

🔸 The only neurons that leave the central nervous system are the neurons that serve a motor function.
They actually go out the meninges and they go into the periphery. In the periphery, there's the peripheral nervous system, and there's also the rest of the body.

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🧠 Myelin is a fatty wrap that goes around some axons.

🔸 An unmylinated or naked axon can only transfer information at a slow rate. So the rate that it's transfers information is 0.2 to 1 meters per second.

🔸 Now, once we put on , information transfers much much faster. It can go between 2 and 120 meters per second. If it goes at 120 meters per second, the whole game is over. So very short time, imperceptible to us.

🔸 That information occurs in a 0 or a 1. There's either a point of information or not. **And so it's very much like a computer code**, where what we're seeing is a series of and what's important, the 0s are less important but the temporal pattern of these ones is very important.

🔸 And these 'ones' are actually an action potential, also called a spike. And we talk about firing spikes, neurons fire spikes. So, the timing of these spikes is what carries information.

🔸 The information spikes actually jump. That's what makes it so fast. They don't have to actually be carried through the places; with the , they can actually jump.

🔸 And now, if we have a , what we're going to end up with is some information that's spread out, because it's slower. And every once in a while, it's going to miss bits.

🔸 The neuron, that we're talking, to is getting a very incoherent message. This is very different from the original message and that is the problem with demyelination. Because axons are demyelinated, the information transfer is very degraded. It's a garbled message and that's a problem.

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This is the axon and you can see that it gives off these little terminals, and it also has places where there's just simply a swelling on root. So these are all synaptic, these swellings are synaptic terminals. The long slender projection of the nerve cell is an axon.

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Neurons have four parts. The first is the cell body, also called the Soma. And this is the part that all cells have, this is cell central.

The cell body has coming out it from a number of dendrites, and these dendrites branch. And they continue to branch. And so, that makes a tree which we call the dendritic arbor or the dendritic tree.

And these dendrites are responsible for gathering in information. They're the sentries. They are the ears of the cell, of the neuron. They're taking in all information. So information is going in to the dendrites.

Axon carries the information along the length of it.

Neurons talk to neurons. But neurons also, go talk to muscles. And neurons talk to glands. And neurons talk to the cardiac, to the heart, to the cardiac muscle and so on.

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солнечный календарь — официальный и наиболее распространённый календарь в 'е. 🇹🇭
Он был введён 'ом в 1888 году, заменив тайский лунный календарь.

For the 30th anniversary of one of the most iconic views from the mission, 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is publishing a new version of the image known as the "Pale Blue Dot."

The view was obtained on Feb. 14, 1990, just minutes before Voyager 1's cameras were intentionally powered off to conserve power and because the probe — along with its sibling, Voyager 2 — would not make close flybys of any other objects during their lifetimes. Shutting down instruments and other systems on the two Voyager spacecraft has been a gradual and ongoing process that has helped enable their longevity.

The updated image uses modern image-processing software and techniques while respecting the intent of those who planned the image.

They Built a inside a Geodesic Dome
Eden Project is a the largest in the world built in Cornwall, UK in Geodesic domes to show that humans can correct .

A proposed connection between the Brahmi ( and Indus scripts, made in the 19th century by Alexander Cunningham.

Evidence for a continuity between Indus and has also been seen in graphic similarities between Brahmi and the late Indus script, where the ten most common ligatures correspond with the form of one of the ten most common glyphs in Brahmi.[81] There is also corresponding evidence of continuity in the use of numerals.[82]

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