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The possible effects of cinnamon on memory and learning
Coconuts broken, lucky peanuts shared; NASA-ISRO Satellite 'NISAR' getting ready for 2024 launch - India News News
The Origins of the Schrรถdinger Equation | by Dan Jackson | Cantorโ€™s Paradise

List of people with tinnitus - Wikipedia
Health of Charles Darwin - Wikipedia
For much of his adult life, Charles Darwin's health was repeatedly compromised by an uncommon combination of symptoms, leaving him severely debilitated for long periods of time. However, in some ways this may have helped his work, and Charles Darwin wrote "Even ill-health, though it has annihilated several years of my life, has saved me from the distractions of society and amusement."[1]

Sarpir-maแน‡แธa - Wikipedia
Sarpir-maแน‡แธa (Sanskrit: เคธเคฐเฅเคชเคฟเคฐเฅเคฎเคฃเฅเคก) was a type of dairy product, from five stages of milk described in Hinduism and Buddhist texts.
TIL เคจเคตเคจเฅ€เคค means "butter".

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There is perhaps no figure in literature more fascinating than the trickster, appearing in various forms in the folklore of many cultures. Trickster is witty and deceitful. He is the timeless root of all the picaresque creations of world literature, and is not reducible to one single literary entity. Trickster tales have existed since ancient times, and has been said to be at the very foundation of civilisation and culture. They belong to the oldest expressions of mankind.

Tricksters are the breakers of rules, agents of mischief, masters of deceit, and boundary crossers. He is an agent of change, and is amoral, not immoral.

Trickster is at one and the same time creator and destroyer, giver and negator, he who dupes and who is always duped himself.

Psychologically, the trickster is an archetype, part of the collective unconscious. Trickster is everywhere, he is an eternal state of mind.

The integration of the trickster archetype allows us to go from being ruled by our own self-centred ego to a new way of living, in which one has integrity and relatedness. It allows us to become aware of our true emotions, behaviours, and thoughts, that our unconscious persona is hiding, and without which there is no individuation at all.

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Watch "Simon Blackburn - Why Philosophy of Science?" on YouTube
Watch "Philosophy : How and Where to start it? | In Hindi" on YouTube

Nรขzฤฑm Hikmet - Wikipedia
Subhash Mukhopadhyay (poet) translated Hikmet's poems into Bengali. Those poems are collected in two anthologies, titled Nirbachita Nazim Hikmet (1952)(Selected Poems of Nazem Hikmet) ISBN 81-7079-501-X and Nazem Hikmet er Aro Kobita (1974) (More Poems of Nazem Himet). Some of these translation's are available in open sources.

Best-selling chemistry textbook is now free | News | Chemistry World
Why Do Our Eyes Move When We Dream? A New Study Hints An Answer : ScienceAlert
Canon Figured Out a Way to Turn Waste Toner into Roadway Asphalt | PetaPixel
Gangetic river dolphins in Assam decline due to anthropogenic pressures
Without Einstein, we might've missed General Relativity - Big Think
How Sri Aurobindo as translator took selections from the classical literatures of India to the world

Should We Build Quantum Computers at All?
Things an Indian student learnt while studying in the UK
The #1 Best Eating Habit for a Flat Belly, Says Dietitian โ€” Eat This Not That
WayCool creates huge national flag with vegetables in Bengaluru | Bengaluru News - Times of India
Indian SUVs used by Foreign Military & Police Forces: Mahindra Scorpio to Tata Safari Storme
This woman artificially inseminated herself at home for less than Rs 4k; welcomed a healthy baby boy in July
Bowel Cancer Symptoms: Why everyone needs to know about the 'BCA' signs that signals growth of tumour

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