@Zehavoc first time watching a football game ?
LOOOOL WTF is that defending #Argentina ???
A little known feature of #Mastodon is the ability to create your own personal notes about an account.
This is a great way to potentially remind yourself why you follow particular accounts (or just about any other reason you can think of).
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#MastodonTips #Feditips #Notes
Mabrouuuk to all Moroccans !! 🇲🇦🇲🇦
#MORSPA #Morocco #FIFAWorldCup2022
Dear #psychiatry folks, do any of you know of a resident or faculty doc interested in #lithium #pharmacokinetics whom I could suggest to the journal as a possible reviewer for the world's shortest article? They're having trouble finding anyone. Thanks. The article is free at
lsraeli executes a Palestinian at point-blank range
These people are simply trained from their childhood to hate arabs and kill them in cold blood... in the name of a madness telling them they have the right to steal Palestinian land and murder its people.
And the West will keep blindly sponsoring this ethnic cleansing.
Congrats to #Morocco 🇲🇦🇲🇦 What a great team !
#MORCAN #FIFAWorldCup2022
Another rant about a football game
Welp I was joking about Tunisia winning against France, but I didn't expect fucking Denmark to lose against Australia. 🤦
Bravo aux Sénégalais 👏👏🇸🇳🇸🇳
#SEN #ECUSEN #FIFAWorldCup2022
While following a lot of people can populate your Home feed significantly, sometimes people (like me) end up boosting a lot and that can unexpectedly hinder your own experience.
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نتعادلو مع الدنمارك و نربحو فرنسا و نترشحو
#Tunisia #TUNAUS #WorldcupQatar2022 #WorldCup22
j'adore ce rally call des supporters US pour ce match, surtout le fait que (contrairement à ce que la plus part des gens croient) le terme soccer est anglais ;)
une contraction de asSOCiation football pour le diff du rugby football (qui avait aussi son diminutif : rugger)
RT @BleacherReport
What is the love with fentanyl patches for acute pain?
Maximum serum concentrations vary wildly. From 1.2 hours all the way to 48 hours! This is due to many factors such as weight, age, genetics etc.
Steady state is reached on the 3rd day hence every 3 day dosing.
Half life is 13-25 hours which means it's in the system for about 65-125 hours. Which is 2-5 days!
RT @tunisiefootball
Aïssa Laïdouni élu homme du match de Danemark-Tunisie !
@mw_a pas mal le match de Jebali, malgré l'occasion ratée
Tunisian 🇹🇳 Pharmacist 💊 Romanista 🐺
I'll toot about whatever