@fuknukl It's the spike protein - and the shots have the same effect, with each "booster" making it worse.
@falken Before that we had SCCS and then RCS. These dealt with one file at a time. The innovation with CVS was managing the history of an entire project as a whole.
IMO, GIT is still the sine qua non of version control. (Despite the learning curve.) I did try using some of the competition. The closest competitor IMO was BZR.
@gpfjeff Too late for this year. Although ...
My daughter was studying abroad in Jordan when the King just didn't want to deal with the time change and ordered DST canceled in Jordan effective immediately on the day of change. There was quite a bit of turmoil and scrambling as appointments were missed and not everyone had got the message. But on the whole it was an enjoyable break from routine.
The tzdata project scrambled to get out an emergency update with the new rules for Jordan.
And the people rejoiced!
@freemo Where does positronium exist? Those are massive forces to keep positrons together in any kind of (atomically) close proximity!
@freemo You can never be 100% certain that what you see is a physical reality. It might be an optical illusion. But if you run around refusing to believe the evidence of your own lyin' eyes, you might be a leftist.
It is quite possible to make a mistake in math too. That doesn't change the underlying (abstract in the case of math) reality. It just means having the humility to admit when you are wrong.
@freemo Part of an involuntary bot net to crack pubkeys? Or maybe a voluntary one you forgot about? I don't have fancy GPUs, but can't you track which processes are using the GPU?
@freemo In your meme, they are destroying the money by burning it (not spending it). They are literally and irreversibly reducing the money supply, and hence inflation.
@freemo This is the Platonist vs Nominalist controversy. Do categories like "horse" exist in reality? Or are there only individual organisms we arbitrarily categorize as "horse"/"equine"?
In Medieval times, this debate focused on theology: Is God objectively "good", or do we just arbitrarily declare whatever God does as "good"?
In Modern times, Nominalism is getting ridiculous as it dismisses categories like "male", "female", and even "human".
I'm going to agree with the Medievalists, and declare Nominalism a "heresy".
@freemo That's one way to reduce inflation.
@45b35521c312a5da4c2558703ad4be3d2e6d08c812551514c7a1eb7ab5fa0f04 This is normal for the path of an eclipse. Tourists from around the world descend on a narrow location, making supplies and services scarce.
Remember when no room at any Inn was available for Mary and Joseph - because so many had descended on Bethlehem to register for taxation.
@Nazareno I finished it like this:
... transfer 10% of the bonus to your contacts in Ukraine.
@Nazareno Where is the rest of that letter? That is master level trolling.
@watch4thedrop Original article: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/alex-soros-vows-to-wipe-trump-supporters-from-face-of-the-earth/
The headline is a bit over the top. It seems to be a more modest threat to completely censor them from publishing and the internet.
@watson This is a case of "you're doing it wrong". I wish more people would use secure and open communication protocols. SMTP is ok, but ICANN and TLS (with CAs provided by the global cabal) are not. Make DNS Federated Again.
And when you have only one or two "ISPs", DoS is trivial for govts. Make IP links Amateur Again.
Mesh networks are a great solution. When you can't recruit any amateur IP peers, vpn links to the like minded suffices.
@Nazareno Maybe it's from the mandatory Pfizer jab a few years ago in Germany before he could get treatment.
@Nazareno In WW2, American generals making these war decisions were also making the rounds of the front. Ancient kings went out to war with their armies.
Somehow we need to bring back that direct feedback. The Deep State elites just sit in their bunker mansions and give orders, and never see what their hands have wrought.
If only we could make top brass like Milley (retired now) actually go to the places they are attacking. He'd make a bright target.
@Nazareno I forgot her name hours after watching an interview with her on Rumble. She is still a symbol in my mind, and I can pray for her.