
'Pot1 is a subunit of telomere capping complex that binds to the G-rich overhang and inhibits the activation of DNA damage checkpoints. In this study, we explore new functions of fission yeast Pot1 by using a pot1-1 temperature sensitive mutant'
@miguelgf et al

Pot1 promotes telomere DNA replication via the Stn1-Ten1 complex in fission yeast

Telomeres are nucleoprotein complexes that protect the chromosome-ends from eliciting DNA repair while ensuring their complete duplication. Pot1 is a subunit of telomere capping complex that binds to the G-rich overhang and inhibits the activation of DNA damage checkpoints. In this study, we explore new functions of fission yeast Pot1 by using a pot1-1 temperature sensitive mutant. We show that pot1 inactivation impairs telomere DNA replication resulting in the accumulation of ssDNA leading to the complete loss of telomeric DNA. Recruitment of Stn1 to telomeres, an auxiliary factor of DNA lagging strand synthesis, is reduced in pot1-1 mutants and overexpression of Stn1 rescues loss of telomeres and cell viability at restrictive temperature. We propose that Pot1 plays a crucial function in telomere DNA replication by recruiting Stn1-Ten1 and Polα-primase complex to telomeres, thus promoting lagging-strand DNA synthesis at stalled replication forks. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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