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'A história traz um final feliz. Carlo Croce perdeu os processos e ainda teve uma dezena de artigos retirados de publicação. Mas mostra os riscos desta profissão em part-time. Os processos são morosos e dispendiosos – no caso de David Sanders, a Universidade Purdue assegurou as despesas – e isso pode amedrontar quem quer denunciar más práticas na ciência. Não é por acaso que a maioria dos que escrevem em fóruns como o PubPeer, dedicado à discussão de problemas nos trabalhos científicos, o fazem sob pseudónimo. Ninguém quer desacreditar a ciência. Pelo contrário, querem aparar e tirar a erva daninha.'

'As tourists savored icy granitas under hibiscus trees and swam in the cool Mediterranean Sea, in the farmlands of southern Sicily, among hillsides so scorched they resembled desert dunes, a farmer watched recently as his cows headed to the slaughterhouse.
After months of drought, he didn’t have any water or food to give them.'

'The prospect of an H5N1 pandemic has been a source of concern ever since the virus was isolated from humans in Hong Kong in 1997. In response, the U.S. government began developing pandemic-preparedness plans. A series of reports from the Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine) and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has emphasized the need for the stockpiling of personal protective equipment, resilient supply chains, and greater coordination between agencies and various levels of government. Yet despite these plans and warnings, and despite being ranked the most prepared among 195 countries to handle a pandemic on the Global Health Security Index in 2019, when Covid-19 arrived, the United States fared terribly by most measures'

'While other reportable sexually transmitted infections declined or remained flat during the pandemic, over 207,000 cases of syphilis were reported in 2022, an 80 percent increase since 2018 and the highest number reported since 1950.'

"Can the Museum Survive?"

From looted artifacts to rogue employees, a series of crises have beset some of the world’s most visited collections.

#Culture #Museum #Art

"For the vast majority of human history, people made group decisions through consensus. It is perhaps the most conspicuous feature of political life among recent hunter-gatherer societies, from the Ju/’hoansi to the Aboriginal peoples of Australia to the Indigenous societies of the early Americas. As an anthropologist, I have observed consensus-based decision-making myself among hunter-gatherers in the rainforests of Malaysia."

UKCORI has published its 2024 annual statement. The statement outlines the health of integrity in UK research systems, highlighting key initiatives across the sector, including UKRIO’s work. Learn about the five main recommendations UKCORI suggests organisations and individuals can take to maintain and enhance research integrity.

Click the link below to read the full annual statement.

#Statement #Research #Integrity #UKCORI #UKRIO #ResearchIntegrity

'Uma democracia composta por versões aproximadas do mesmo algoritmo perde potência, desvitaliza-se, torna-se uma câmara corporativa, uma arena para a alternância de interesses, sugerindo que uma alternativa só pode sê-lo contra a própria democracia. Se “não há alternativa”, não há política. Se não há política, só sobra politiquice.'

Running out of time - #Stoptheharm
UN chief calls for action to stem ‘extreme heat epidemic’

Interesting new research summarised here suggesting that high air pollution exposure in childhood has long lasting impacts into adulthood on lung health irrespective of whether you had childhood asthma. Pollution must be tackled.🧪

Researchers record images and data of a shark experiencing a boat strike

Researchers have captured what they believe is the first ever video of a shark or any large marine animal being struck by a boat. #science

'A study has concluded that there is no survival advantage to having the other breast removed. Women who had a lumpectomy or a mastectomy and kept their other breast did just as well as women who had a double mastectomy, Dr. Steven Narod of Women’s College Hospital in Toronto and his colleagues reported, using U.S. data from more than 661,000 women with breast cancer on one side.'

Wow. Scientific American blasts SCOTUS rulings:

"Science is dismissed and disdained in this war on reality."

"technically incompetent, in some cases corrupt, politicos in robes with power over matters that hinge on vital facts about pollution, medicine, employment and much else."

"In rejecting facts to please their political party—and their patrons—the justices of the Court’s majority have broken their oath, made to both the Constitution and the American people."

"But what can you call someone who cannot enjoy the sight of dolphins, if not a loser?"

I experienced this many times back in Italy, as the Mediterranean sea summers flourish with ultra-rich foreigners whose only look at our coasts are of orientalist empty landscapes for them to enjoy and show off, together with Italian rich that aspire to impress the foreigners.


'Around one in six American women 40 to 44 have never had children. It’s the kind of comment that makes you wonder if Vance thinks that he has been nominated by the Republican Party to serve as the vice president of the Republic of Gilead.'

Dedicated school counselors are providing ongoing mental health care at elementary and junior high schools in the Okunoto region in Ishikawa Prefecture, which was severely affected by the Jan. 1 Noto Peninsula earthquake. #japan #society #ishikawaearthquake #earthquakes #schools #children #mentalhealth

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