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'Novo Nordisk’s chief executive is preparing for a showdown next week with progressive firebrand Bernie Sanders over the high price of blockbuster diabetes and weight loss drugs, as Ozempic falls into the scope of US government price controls.'

"Em primeiro lugar, dos cerca de 3000 investigadores actualmente com contratos precários, 1600 ficarão desempregados no próximo ano e meio. É possível que uma parte destes investigadores venha a ser abrangida pelas 1100 vagas agora anunciadas pelo programa FCT-Tenure, mas é impossível saber quantos, uma vez que estas vagas serão preenchidas através de concursos internacionais. Além disso, a FCT anunciou que “os concursos CEEC Individuais se focarão nos investigadores doutorados em início de carreira” e serão limitados a três anos."

As if having cancer is not upsetting enough, hundreds of patients had nude photos required for their radiation treatment posted on the dark web in a health system breach. #Appalling #healthcare #DataPrivacy

New Publication at the Open Journal of Astrophysics: "Notes on the Practical Application of Nested Sampling: MultiNest, (Non)convergence, and Rectification" by Alexander Dittmann (U. Maryland, USA).

Reviewer experiments. Clock is ticking. Post-doc is leaving soon. Detection of GFP-tagged protein by western for crucial expt stops working. Why now?!

#LifeOfPI #MurphysLaw

'Musk then brought in two of his cousins, James and Andrew Musk, to oversee engineering teams. Software engineers were told their code would be reviewed, unusually, on paper. Privacy officers panicked as thousands of sheets, filled with the company’s intellectual property and its users’ personal data, were printed out and carried around the building. Shredders were hastily bought and the engineers had to line up, watched by security guards, to destroy the pages.'

Left-wing coalition wins French elections so King Macron forms right-wing government.

Such democracy.

(In case you needed another reminder that fucking neoliberals will always choose fascism over social justice when they feel their wallets are threatened.)

#France #Macron #democracy

me: wyd 😉
doctor: ma’am we’re removing your appendix
me: haha aw without me 😉 😉 😜
doctor: we’re gonna need more anaesthetic

'En ouvrant les publications scientifiques à la lecture et en donnant accès aux données associées, on favorise les collaborations, on gagne en efficacité collective car les résultats de la recherche publique sont plus transparents et reproductibles. Cela permet de renforcer le lien de confiance entre science et société, d’autant que les résultats scientifiques sont la matière première pour penser le monde de demain. La crise du Covid-19 est un exemple parlant : un vaccin a été produit en un temps record. Cette prouesse a été permise grâce à l’ouverture des résultats scientifiques.'

À l'occasion de la journée internationale de la bibliodiversité 📚 et 5 ans après la publication de la feuille de route du @cnrs pour la #ScienceOuverte, @AlainSchuhl dresse un point d’étape sur l’ouverture des publications scientifiques.

New post on echo chambers and extreme opinions - and some thoughts on why Bluesky/Mastodon/Threads might feel nicer initially, but also a bit blander:

"But apart from the permanently central role of technology in microbiology, there is one conceptual fracture in our otherwise continuous progress toward a better understanding of microbial life that can serve as a line between the still alive and well classical roots of microbiology and its aspiring modern times: our expanding focus from individual organisms in cultures to complex communities in natural habitats, with the admission that “a pure culture is not enough."

'Musk then brought in two of his cousins, James and Andrew Musk, to oversee engineering teams. Software engineers were told their code would be reviewed, unusually, on paper. Privacy officers panicked as thousands of sheets, filled with the company’s intellectual property and its users’ personal data, were printed out and carried around the building. Shredders were hastily bought and the engineers had to line up, watched by security guards, to destroy the pages.'

'A new Federal Trade Commission staff report that examines the data collection and use practices of major social media and video streaming services shows they engaged in vast surveillance of consumers in order to monetize their personal information while failing to adequately protect users online, especially children and teens.'

Israeli forces shut down Al Jazeera’s West Bank bureau

Al Jazeera said Israeli troops raided its Ramallah offices in the West Bank overnight. Israel said it shut down the bureau to protect its soldiers’ safety. #press

'But it’s important to consider our history. In 1791, Haitians successfully rebelled against the French colonizers, sparking a resistance that would lead to the country being the first free Black nation in the Western Hemisphere. In the ensuing two hundred and thirty-two years and change, the rest of the world has seemed hellbent on making Haiti pay, for fear of global Black liberation.'

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
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