What do I even do with this platform ?!
New here guys...😅
@obi 😂 Obi-Wan ?
@darthvader He's my cousin...
@obi what's this platform? I just followed here from Twitter promotion and made an acc...
@darthvader decentralized twitter alternative. https://buffer.com/resources/mastodon-social/
@obi thnx!
@darthvader anytime, my lord
@obi isn't there any DM option ?
@darthvader there is. In the input box for post, you will see a little globe. There is a direct message option there. And then you tag, just like we are doing here, and type your message. It will only go to who you tagged.
@darthvader introduce yourself
@mohtashimnizamani I don't need introduction. Dont you know galactic mayhem I've caused ?
@darthvader Use the force?