On sites like http://openlearning.cc/base/ and http://systemschanges.com/online/ , we run Grav on shared hosting cPanel servers with Softaculous. I've found those economical and reliable, @duncanhart . I wrote up when I was making a provider choice at https://www.quora.com/Whats-a-good-Canadian-web-hosting-provider/answers/30741161
Grav is pretty much a straighforward PHP application, @duncanhart . It was developed by one of the original Joomla founders, so there's learning that has accumulated in the newer platform. Flat file database instead of MySQL makes things simpler.
@daviding I’ve just ping’d OpenBSDAms@bsd.network to see if they’ve got any customer VMs already up and running with Grav.
@daviding my preference is for #OpenBSD and using the native httpd web server. It’s rock solid but I don’t know if it plays well with Grav. I will explore further