Web recording of "Generative AI and Inquiring Systems: Ways of Patterning and Ways of Knowing" from #SystemsThinking Ontario. Leisurely dialogue and live challenge demos with ChatGPT, Copilot, Claude, Mistral LeChat, NotebookLM, Perplexity.
I understand the issue with copyright and Generative AI training, @staringatclouds . I myself tend to publish as Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA, so it's easy to scrape my content off the web.
The Systems Thinking Ontario session took some time to differentiate between Retrieval Augmented Generation and Transformers, so you have the choice of explicitly selected data sources with traceability, or the whole corpus of language on which the AI is trained.
We might look more for IA as Intelligence Augmentation, but critical thinking helps to fight hallucinations.
@daviding I'd be more interested in a discussion entitled
"Generative AI, how to reimburse the authors whose work was stolen to train them"