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Published "Reframing for Systems Changes: Sciencing and Philosophizing from Pragmatism towards Processes as Rhythms" with in Journal of the following 2023 Kruger Park, revised after peer review.

Web video of @scottdejong + @gceh hosted by in relaxed conversation on "What Can Systems Thinkers Learn from Educational Game Studies" at Ontario

I agree that defining systems boundaries is problematic, @tg9541 . I sometimes prefer the labelling of a systems approach over systems thinking, because an approach has an additional sense of converging, particularly when it's a group thinking together towards collective action.

Seeing a system as open relates to there Sweeping In Process described by C. West Churchman.

David Ing boosted

I learned from a WP article (see alt text) that Norbert #Wiener was involved in the political discussion of mitigating the effects of the technological revolution which industrial and administrative #automation brought about.

The 2019 edition of #Cybernetics is freely available form MIT press (URL in alt text).

It's related to my work regarding the boundaries of a system A that objectivizes a system B that it intents to control, the problem of #grounding, #semantics and #classes. #ai is old.

David Ing boosted

#JosiahRoyce was one of #NorbertWiener's teachers. To me it appears plausible that the Roycean take on #sociology and the #individual had an impact on Wiener's #cybernetics #philosophy

David Ing boosted
David Ing boosted

I wonder how many eye doctors are getting an uptick in "night vision problems," a thing that is actually because some asshole engineer decided headlights should be blue now.

With the release of General Systems Yearbook 2023, a full-text, read-only version of "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry", SRBS v40 n5 is available for colleagues of the author on Article Share

David Ing boosted

Lesson #3: Proportional representation weakens democracy by making it harder to middle common ground within parties and creating opportunities for niche parties to become extremist in a bid to earn profile. Thank God #Canada does not have proportional representation

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David Ing boosted
David Ing boosted

Lesson #1 from the Dutch election: When a centre-right party signals openness to the far-right party, voters choose the far-right party instead. The ruling VVD lost power after signalling their openness to coalition with the notorious racist Geert Wilders. The Dutch have shown that racist voters want racist leaders, not big-tent centrists.

Web video on with and for Ontario. Learning about the present by sweeping in the past, including the rise and fall of the Second Persian Empire circa 7th century.

Think the first step in is defining the boundary? If the systems sciences are an open system, then learning involves the sweeping-in process. Excerpt from (1982) _Thought and Wisdom_.

For the @RSDSymposium in October, an "Explaining Systems Changes Learning: Methods & Translations", an in-person workshop was conducted in Toronto. Interested in joining in our rhythm of triweekly meetings?
Slides at

An article related to 2022 plenary on Systems Changes has been published on earlyview.

Appreciating systems changes via multiparadigm inquiry: Architectural design, ecological anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine and systems rhythms

Algorithms enable online platforms to shape the world we see.

> The fairness or unfairness of the algorithmic systems by which platforms allocate user attention affect not only users but an entire ecosystem of third-party suppliers

O’Reilly, T., Strauss, I. and Mazzucato, M. (2023). Algorithmic Attention Rents: A theory of digital platform market power. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Working Paper Series (IIPP WP 2023-10).

Via @timoreilly

Do we know the value of our user-generated content?

> Big Tech firms operate multi-sided platforms in which the ‘free’ user side is largely exempt from disclosures, since the user side is often ‘monetized’ only indirectly through advertising.

O'Reilly, T., Strauss, I. and Mazzucato, M (2023). Regulating Big Tech through digital disclosures. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Policy Brief No.26.

Via @timoreilly

David Ing boosted

Heard just now on the BBC Newscast podcast:

“I'll challenge you at the BBC, why don't you guys make a news app like Twitter where all your reporters just post? I would sign up for that in a minute, and I would pay $5 a month for it.”

Yes BBC, why don't you get your reporters on your existing domain? It's right there and more badly needed than ever. Be the leaders you know you can be.

cc @BBC_News_Labs @BBCRD @BBCRadio4 @evan

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