Pre-announcing April 30 Dialogic Drinks session I'm leading on "#Yinyang and Daojia into #SystemsThinking through Changes", online 18:30 Singapore, 11:30 London, 6:30am Toronto.
Repeating May 2, 8:00pm ET.
Official #EQLab notifications
Diachrony (or diachronic shifts) resurrects a word from 1857, better expressing *changes through time*. A social practice publication in 1998 contrasts synchronic with diachronic.
I am planning on attending ISSS meeting in DC, @psybertron
Mostly set schedule for UK trip May 9 to 18, Edinburgh, Hull, Manchester, London, hope to see @antlerboy
Web video introduction of 15 minutes for 1-hour Lunch and Learn #CentreForSocialInnovationToronto on "Systems Changes Dialogues for Social Innovation" invites practitioners for upcoming monthly meetings. Evocative animated images, details deferred to conversations with mentors.
Web video of slides from "From Unfreezing-Refreezing, to Systems Changes Learning" for Dialogic Drinks of #EQLab represents only 1/5 of the time compared to peer-led discussions. Concise hosting called for brevity, and richer presentations.
Hosting multiple Dialogic Drinks on "From Unfreezing-Refreezing, to Systems Changes Learning" online, March 12 (Europe), March 14 (Americas), March 15 (Australia). #Leadership meets #SystemsThinking . Short presentations, longer discussions
"Climate change has no map that we know of. Each time a new scientific study returns something we studied before, it's always going to arrive faster and be worse than we thought before". Episode 5, #DavidLHawk "What to do When It's too Late" #SystemsThinking
"Instead of cause-effect thinking, effects coming from prior effects, not from simple-minded causes"
In the third episode of "What to Do When It's Too Late", #DavidLHawk explains his #systemsthinking with humans in #climatechange, dealing with hopelessness. Live weekly broadcast on #BoldBraveTv with video recordings and podcasts.
Text digest at
Published "Reframing #SystemsThinking for Systems Changes: Sciencing and Philosophizing from Pragmatism towards Processes as Rhythms" with #GarySMetcalf in Journal of the #InternationalSocietyForTheSystemsSciences following 2023 Kruger Park, revised after peer review.
Web video of @scottdejong + @gceh hosted by #zaidkhan in relaxed conversation on "What Can Systems Thinkers Learn from Educational Game Studies" at #SystemsThinking Ontario
I agree that defining systems boundaries is problematic, @tg9541 . I sometimes prefer the labelling of a systems approach over systems thinking, because an approach has an additional sense of converging, particularly when it's a group thinking together towards collective action.
Seeing a system as open relates to there Sweeping In Process described by C. West Churchman.
I learned from a WP article (see alt text) that Norbert #Wiener was involved in the political discussion of mitigating the effects of the technological revolution which industrial and administrative #automation brought about.
The 2019 edition of #Cybernetics is freely available form MIT press (URL in alt text).
It's related to my work regarding the boundaries of a system A that objectivizes a system B that it intents to control, the problem of #grounding, #semantics and #classes. #ai is old.
#JosiahRoyce was one of #NorbertWiener's teachers. To me it appears plausible that the Roycean take on #sociology and the #individual had an impact on Wiener's #cybernetics #philosophy
Paris is saying ‘non’ to a US-style hellscape of supersized cars – and so should the rest of Europe | Alexander Hurst
> From emissions to road deaths, the trend for ever-bigger SUVs is a disaster. We need regulation to turn the car industry back to smaller vehicles
With the release of General Systems Yearbook 2023, a full-text, read-only version of "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry", SRBS v40 n5 is available for colleagues of the author on Article Share
Lesson #3: Proportional representation weakens democracy by making it harder to middle common ground within parties and creating opportunities for niche parties to become extremist in a bid to earn profile. Thank God #Canada does not have proportional representation
Lesson #2: the lifestory of the leader does not guarantee commitment to democratic principles. Yes, the VVD leader is a former refugee with a Turkish name, but she shunned immigrants and turned her back on principles of inclusion and pluralism that define 21st century democracy
Lesson #1 from the Dutch election: When a centre-right party signals openness to the far-right party, voters choose the far-right party instead. The ruling VVD lost power after signalling their openness to coalition with the notorious racist Geert Wilders. The Dutch have shown that racist voters want racist leaders, not big-tent centrists.
Web video on #HistoricalSynthesis with #DrMichaelBonner and #ZaidKhan for #SystemsThinking Ontario. Learning about the present by sweeping in the past, including the rise and fall of the Second Persian Empire circa 7th century.
Systems change researcher resident in Toronto, Canada. Past president, International Society for the Systems Sciences. Author of Open Innovation Learning book. Research fellow, CSRP Institute. Alumnus of IBM after 28 years.