Psychotherapy podcaster is here! Yay!
I am really pleased because I have just spotted @richardnicholls is on Mastodon.
I started following him a while back on birdsite after finding his excellent #Psychotherapy #podcast episodes. These are free but you can subscribe via Patreon and subsidise free sessions for people in need in the Midlands.
They're very down to earth, chatty episodes, like catching up with your mate over a coffee who just knows exactly the right things to guide you through a rough patch.
I cannot recommend enough for anyone dealing with #mentalhealth, #anxiety in the life of themselves or others, or maybe just wants to be better at practising #mindfullness in every day situations.
On that note I'm going to catch up with recent episodes whilst clearing out the rabbits.
Psychotherapy podcaster is here! Yay!
@davoloid @richardnicholls Thanks for the tip! That sounds right up my street.