Can't say this review gives me much hope for the unasked-for reboot of #QuantumLeap. One of the key points of the original show was that individual people's lives and choices mattered in the grand tapestry of #History.
Was a really big deal when we were taking our A-levels, a whole bunch of us absolutely hooked on the last two episodes.
@LadyDonnington Good to know - some series don't age very well!
@davoloid I asked for it. I love the new Quantum Leap show and I love the original Quantum Leap show.
@davoloid also the guardian is a fake website. They post a lot of clickbait. Best to steer clear of that website. ✌️
@Xucaen Actually, it's one of the only independent news outlets in the UK that doesn't have an oligarch calling the shots. Not always perfect but separation of fact and analysis is a core tenet.
@davoloid I don't know .. anything I've ever read from them just sounded fake and very right-wing. Maybe I'm being bamboozled.. 🤔😶🌫️
@davoloid i read that this morning too and thought hmmm…. Especially with the „must-have-love-interest“ addition😑🙄
I actually started rewatching the series a few years ago and was reminded just how amazing it was!