“Real Christianity and consistent Atheism both make demands on a man. To admit all of the comfort of one without its discipline- to enjoy all of the liberty of the other without its philosophical & emotional abstinences- may be honest, but it’s no good pretending it’s uncomfortable.” -C.S. Lewis, “Revival or Decay?”
@LouisIngenthron I'm happy to review your sources on this topic. As you look for sources, you may find the drive of Protestants to enable all to read the Bible in their own language led to a large push for broad literacy education. You may find the Reformation postdates serfdom in most areas. You may find the abolition of slavery in many countries was driven by Christians, and that slavery was justified by many who were not Christians. You may find that Protestants advocated for tolerance of minority sects (including themselves) in Roman Catholic-controlled areas, and in the founding of areas such as the colony of Pennsylvania. You may find that war and death have been fairly consistent factors in human existence, with little correlation with the dominant religion of an area.
I'm happy to consider your evidence; I ask you to consider my statements above.