deadbeef boosted

I am a #cpp lover and follow most of the cpp developers I was following before on the bird app. But now I only see #rustlang conversation even in the cpp tags.

While I have nothing against rust I would love to see more cpp content in cpp tags.

Just my unpopular opinion.

Maybe I should just give up and use rusttype...

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Dealing with font rasterization and rendering is such a pain... just finished figuring out how to stitch together glyphs efficiently and im thrown right into glyph caching and kerning issues :blobcatcry:


Re: instance directory

In many ways I am uncomfortable with the concept of a single person having so much unchecked influence over what is supposedly a decentralized network. I suggest we look into alternative methods of listing instances that is not so centralized and dependent on one person, while still providing some guarantees about server policy. Not an easy task by any means, but I believe it might be necessary if the Fediverse is to become truly decentralized.

What do you think? @freemo

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deadbeef boosted

WARNING: If we don’t push back against this recent stylish hype about another proprietary Twitter clone, we may as well just slit our cultural and political throats right now. We’ll just be going right back to the same future hellscape we just came from.

In regard to delisting of QOTO on

I'm not here to make a judgement on who is "in the right" here as I've been here for only around a week, and I can't know or verify the events that lead to this.

However, Eugen's lack of communication and transparency about this is highly concerning - I think the least we deserve is a public statement on the delisting - arguably a responsibility of Eugen's, considering the outsized influence that the directory has over the Fediverse, and in particular Mastodon instances.

I urge him to remember that the Fediverse is supposed to be decentralized - his actions right now suggest he is trying to move towards the opposite.


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The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club (, a leftist org dedicated to training POC and queer people in safe firearms handling, has been suspended from Twitter for "Hateful Conduct" after a mass-reporting campaign by right-wingers and transphobes associated with Libs Of Tik Tok.

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"Please," said the man, "can you do magic to make me be kind?"
"No," said the witch. "Magic cannot change anyone's nature."
"So there is no hope for me?"
"You ask the wrong question. Kind is not something you are. It is what you do."
"Is it that simple?"
"It is that hard."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

deadbeef boosted

Boost this fox to teleport him across the Fediverse and brighten someone's day! :blobfox:

Let's see how many instances the fox can reach on his journey!

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Twitter users are all like “I don’t know if I can trust a bunch of career sysadmins and network engineers to run their own Mastodon instances” — meanwhile Elon is just running around the Twitter data center going “what’s this button do?”

Out of curiosity, does anyone know what (as well as maybe other instances') hardware is like?

deadbeef boosted

literature shitpost 

alternate history? back in my day, it was called revisionism

:verified: ok i really like how this took the verified emoji to the next step lol

does anyone actually use header guards anymore in personal c++ projects lol

happy i chose qoto tbh, pretty friendly and nice here

deadbeef boosted

Happy Friday, Mastodonians!

What's the happiest part for you?

deadbeef boosted



Strange women lying in ponds distributing phones is no basis for a system of government…

deadbeef boosted
deadbeef boosted

Yes, #furries really ARE the backbone of the Interwebs.

#furry #comics #TheBeevs #sysadmin

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.