@soundwave but moral itself is a branch of social knowledge and social knowledge is subjective
Morals can be described and written down, yes. But a person can be moral without ever reading them
An immoral person can act in a moral way, and know that it is moral, without ever having been taught which is which.
@soundwave well. Hopefully people will change in the future to develop and use a mathematical model for moral since it wayyyy more "just".
@soundwave i'm actually a fan of interstellar!
I loved the movie so much that i began to embrace dr. mann character.
Have you seen "Tenet"
I loved it and if you didn't love it, I want the chance to change your mind
Christopher Nolan makes good movies
> Have you seen "Tenet"
Nope! I will tho'
> Christopher Nolan makes good movies
Couldn't agree more
Me to Dr Mann: