@filthypines @dev_Paul and @derickflorian are both cool people I met when I did it. Maybe they have some advice.
@dev_Paul @ColeOnRails @filthypines When I did 100 days of code I didn’t do 100 days straight of programming, but I did finish eventually. It was helpful for me because I got in the habit of sitting down and being able to code for a couple hours.
The other huge benefit is that it gave me a way of communicating “hey, I want to do this and I’m putting in work.” I posted a couple of times on LinkedIn with what I was working on and eventually someone from the marketing department in my company introduced me to a software engineering manager. From there I have been working on side projects in software eng for a year and now am interviewing for a job! 🤞
That last part is irrelevant but I do know one other person who did 100 days and after applying elsewhere found an opportunity where he worked to switch to software development.
@filthypines @dev_Paul @ColeOnRails Good luck! Feel free to reach out if you need anything(although I do not know web dev so I don’t know how helpful Ill be). Also take a break if you need one. Slow progress is better than working hard and then giving up after burning out!
@derickflorian @dev_Paul @ColeOnRails that’s incredible! I hope to have that one day. I’m applying for jobs as well. I want to use the challenge to force me to work on my portfolio and resume. I’m also working on a Fullstack Development certificate on Coursera. Thanks for sharing!