What do you guys think about alexa and google home? These devices constantly upload all private conversations happening between families, to their server, which their employees have access to. I'm really worried about privacy and security of those families, but they don't seem to worry much. (I understand that most of the mobile devices can be turned into spying devices by US govt, but still this is scary).
@raining_night I've had an Echo for quite some time now. I agree, however, that it is most concerning in terms of privacy. I've found that most of the things I do with- setting alarms, reminders, timers- could be done with my phone, almost more efficiently, considering the voice recognition can occasionally be a little infuriating. But I keep it around, at least partly because I dream of one day making an IoT device of my own and writing an Alexa skill for it.
@dayvancowboy @raining_night
I think those devices are very risky, considering who is selling them and their geo location and legal jurisdiction. Plus the character of the federal administration.
No thanks for me. But any mobile device could be spying on you as well, unless you removed the battery completely (why would manufacturer's have removed this option on newer models, eh?) or place them inside a shielded room (cutting off radio all together).
I think you are doing well. Use only what you need, and reduce the cost, privacy risk and anxiety from constant notifications.
I only carry one occasionally, other than when I am traveling and able to buy a local SIM card and service for reasonable prices.
Regarding the battery removal, I recall that being done on "Enemy of the State" film, which was quite interesting.