I have a pet peeve for finding good mastodon clients that respect and take advantage of a FULL WIDE screen for those of us running on laptops and desktop PCs.
There's some support for Wide Screens - I have been able to get some really nice setup using the Mastodon web client's support for AWI, the Advanced Wb Interface. BUT -- your mileage may vary, greatly, as only TWO of the various instances I have tried this one do a really nice job, using FULL screen width. (continues)
I had instaleed and briefly tested the WhaleBird mastodon client, about a month ago. Then got busy with many other things and not looked back at it, until now, when I think it deserves mentio for some quite interesting features. Including:
1. It's a self standing client, which installs on the host operatting system, and runs seaparately. NOT in a web browser, like the Mastodon web client, or the excellent Pinafore client, which I highly recommend for its speed and lightness.
[ And as I work on this post thread, I noticed a limitation that sadly is present -- I could not Delete/Redraft a post I had just made in Whalebird, and had a missing image I needed to include. Bummer, had to switch to default web client, to complete that task ]
I would say Whalebird is worth mentioning and considering -- testing it, maybe it will offer you things you are missing in other mastodon clients.
A lot of development effort has been focused into the Mobile side, but the Fediverse is so rich in content and projects to explore that I feel anything less than a full size keyboard and full Desktop Browser and client is WAY less than a power user would require.
Signing off for now, honours mention to WhaleBird for the wonderful design of the app and for allowing user control over display panel widths -- this is Unique, as far as I know.
WhaleBird project, info, downloads at https://whalebird.social/en/desktop/contents
2. Whalebird also can run absolutely FULL screen by pressing the F11 key, like happens with a browser.
3. VERY UNIQUE -- Whalebird allows you to very eaily resize Column widths. There's a little handle, near the center of the vertical bar separating the two panels, and grabbing that and holding down muse key allows you to drag and resize in eithe direction, as you see fit.
Whalebird could be a very effective reader for busy timelines like the Home and Federated feeds (continued)