@acegikmo your "t"s are on the bottom and "b"s on the left
@acegikmo 's are just plural suffix.
x are variables in the middle matrix, that are now a
@dpwiz I'm confused lol, the matrix with all the 'a' is already aligned with the b matrix and the t matrix in terms of the coefficients in the polynomial, that's the point of the tweet
@acegikmo I'm talking about the variable names.
they can be position mnemonics so
the linear form would look like
l0 +
l1x0 + b l1 x1 +
This way one can easily sort them out to proper positions in the notation form and collect back to linear.
@dpwiz oooh right, sure lol
@acegikmo sorry for the confusion 😅
@zl2tod oh, I've never seen this notation before
I'm going to have to read up on my matrix notation too.
There's an s// example here. Sorry.
@dpwiz what do you mean by s and x?