augmented and extended version of the categorical imperative:
- persons should always be an end of it's own, not just a means
- money should always be just a means, not an end of it's own
not the opposite, or else profound suffering is inevitable to those who applied the rules vice versa
- if the gain (e.g. a mediocre material goods) is way less than the loss (e.g. permanent part of the health) then what's even the point, still people do that en masse
- if the (expected or promised) gain is way more than the (expected or warned) loss, then after certain amount of decibels (or nepers) it should raise suspicion as well, for it's very unlikely to be just a scam or delusion
- if the gain and loss are comparable, with not too high ratio, then it may be just normal risk taking, we should just strive to maintain gain > loss on average in the long run
p.s. power is also an abstract thing, just like freedom, power and/or freedom to do what, what's the projected end result anyway