@akshay Un-dvent of Haskell, day 1
@johnny > drop the transaction if we've had no luck for x seconds
That would be [registerDelay](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- It's in IO, but it gives you a TVar, that will flip to True when the time comes. You can readTVar it to decide retry or bail.
Also, you can wrap pretty much anything in `timeout` (in IO proper).
@vjon @kravietz GNUnet is a family of protocols stacked on top of each other. An application then is another service composed from those blocks. Once can re-use the existing services or build their own. The more foundational services like transports, DHT, GNS, and CADET enjoy more participation though.
@jesper Better start merging...
Why 5 more years for Agda? Aren't you in control of your toolchain?
@underlap @6d03 @abuseofnotation I'm afraid Mappable and the likes are less searchable *adding* learning overhead and frustration
🐃 #RFC9498: The #GNU Name System
congratulations and thanks you to all involved. urn:ietf:rfc:9498
#DNS #NLnet https://nlnet.nl/project/GNS/ @nlnetlabs @NGIZero @EC_NGI #@djb #@Stallman
via https://lobste.rs/s/0hga6k/rfc_9498_gnu_name_system
¹ https://mro.name/axfh62x
@cwebber not blaming, that's one hard to swallow
@djrmarques Figuring out "how to install X with NixOS" is an NixOS problem, not X q:
@parismarx The problem with the "fantasies" is that when their feasibility will become evident to a non-specialist it would be waaaaaay too late to do anything.
Meanwhile, enjoy fighting your corporate overlords. There's no real need to dunk on other people working on other problems.
@glyph should be in coreutils
@gerrymcgovern Nah... Let's just go to space, where energy is plentiful.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person-in-the-middle_attack
Is this a "not all men" redirect?
@boilingsteam I think I'll try Japan first
@boilingsteam No deck yet, Still not available in my country
Okay Google, who art in cloud,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Amen 🙏
@aral Federated forges can't come soon enough...
@jhpot How do you know it doesn't?
@bontchev 1400 people killed in Israel in one *day*.
@aeveltstra I'm stuck with #Haskell. Every other language may be better at something or something else, but no language is better comprehensively.
Toots as he pleases.