@enigmatico Does the headset matter? If you can your stick your face in it, it's VR, no?
I doubt the "cardboards" are in there. That fad should have been peaked and then passed a few years ago by now.
@enigmatico Betteridge's law of headlines
@enigmatico No.
@tristanC Dumped everything salient I could remember about the experience
Been fever-dreamin' some DIY material layering and light sources (before I get to the chapter 7 of the second book).
The amount of noise from emissive materials is.. ugh. Apparently this is why we bother with "light sources" instead of just dropping some light bulbs here and there.
Now I wonder what artifacts should be there for this to count as a successful kata/exercise.
Should I be able to reproduce it from scratch now? Teach how to do it?
Publish some packages?
Blog about how silly it is to use C++ for teaching stuff?
Take some jabs at course material (some quirks survived into v4.0 of it)?
So many options, so little time... What should have best return on time invested?
@aras And this is why we can't hear nice things
@bryansmart@mstdn.social @luis_in_brief @matt Hm.. Perhaps. Why call them open source though? I believe there's no "source" for them - no datasets, etc.
@bryansmart@mstdn.social @luis_in_brief @matt But the regulation only affects frontier models, like the upcoming GPT-5, and only for training. Nobody cares about deploying weaksauce basement-trained models like LLAMAs. No?
@luis_in_brief Don't get distracted, don't look up!
@bryansmart@mstdn.social @luis_in_brief @matt Free, nonprofit, and smaller competitor can't afford the necessary compute anyway 🤷
@wilfredh Yes, sandboxed crossplatform applets...
(Like Java, indeed, but this time for real?)
@CedarTea > It happens that every man in a bank hates what the bank does
I don't think that's what happening. There are quite a few people who like exactly what's happening. At least some are in control.
@glyph Mastuencer
@gsuberland I think we've almost nailed the luxury and gay parts though.
@redmp List is Foldable. What is the problem here?..
Toots as he pleases.