@r_ivorra No.
@isagalaev they have a fan recording of it somewhere, couldn't find fast enough
@amiloradovsky I did read x86 assembly, Ada, geochemistry and English dictionaries
@amiloradovsky reading kids books
@glyph - Short Unity!
- But the outrage is so great, they may backpedal.
- Long Unity!
- They're so indebted that VC may force that down their throats.
- Short Unity a little!
@boilingsteam reverse bullet hell? I've been playing some old games like that...
@ericflo always have been, imo.
@boilingsteam I don't think it is the genre that made VS famous, but its meticulous design.
@mjgardner @ChristosArgyrop "don't give them clicks"
@chrisamaphone @mcnutt the thiccest
@amiloradovsky You wouldn't download a CAR.
@dansup > iMessage functions exclusively on Apple platforms
Thanks but no thanks.
> The iMessage protocol is based on the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)—a proprietary, binary protocol.
No, really.
> Apple's directory of iMessage public keys, Apple Push Notification service (APNs) addresses, and phone numbers and email addresses that are used to look up the keys and device addresses
Please don't.
@ttuegel "old man yells @, loud"
@boilingsteam long $NVDA 🚀
Toots as he pleases.