@ericflo "work from home"/"back to office" related firings and attempts to restaff 🤔
Long time, no SIMD #Haskell
JK, the naivest stupidest binary tree blows fancy 4-way SIMDed BVH out of the water.
Actually, it may be slower by itself, but multicore apparently *destroys* wide instruction performance. At the same time cache^W completely oblivious scalar traversal is happy to run on all the capabilities available.
High ceremony 4-wide or primitive 10-/20-/whatever-wide?
@amiloradovsky Apparently the original form was
* Socrates is human.
* Everything human is an animal.
* Therefore, Socrates is an animal.
Therefore, this is a medieval trolling, later adopted by the logicians in a milder form, losing its punchline in the process.
@boilingsteam Would the donate to support it?
@simonmic TL:DR: it is, but it doesn't matter anyway.
Don't use social media for private chats.
@calmeilles Why don't they do that now and require external incentives instead?
@calmeilles I expect the regulations without a means to expect some reasonable ROI would be sabotaged by very, very, very, VERY shitty pieces of toxic plastic duds.
@BartoszMilewski This is the central problem of governance in Russia. After so many years of systematic breeding for loyalty instead of competence, the morons are far and wide.
If you're an intelligent being and want to have a seat at the table you need to be guilty of something. With compromise being a price for admission, those non-morons who are in are basically evil and held in contempt by the people.
The hope has left the nation.
@BartoszMilewski Mutiny? In Russia? In 2024?
They're pretty damn well know that it couldn't.
@timbray Unfortunately it contains some significant manipulations making it.. idk, suspicious at best.
@shapr Then...
Someone is using my software WHERE?
@me No.
@gregeganSF @mpesce because the trajectories aren't milkomedogenic anymore?
@siderea > just get subscription service from PayPal
Famous last words..
Toots as he pleases.