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Frictional Properties of Simulated Fault Gouges subject to Normal Stress Oscillation and Implications for Induced Seismicity ,Gas,AndEnergy

Frictional Properties of Simulated Fault Gouges subject to Normal Stress Oscillation and Implications for Induced Seismicity ,Gas,AndEnergy

Research on Rural Design of Industrial Towns on the Urban Fringe Based on the Needs of China's National Spatial Planning System

Considerations for CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers in tectonically active regions with implications for the Lower Mainland British Columbia (LMBC) ;SalineAquifers;LowerMainlandBritishColumbia;GeorgiaBasin;In-situ/ex-situCo2Dissolution

Partial ruptures governed by the complex interplay between geodetic slip deficit, rigidity, and pore fluid pressure in 3D Cascadia dynamic rupture simulations

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