Tom Narock boosted

The EarthArXiv service now has a Mastodon presence: @eartharxiv It's an automated bot tooting every newly accepted paper. Author supplied keywords are converted into hashtags so following things like will get you subdomain specific papers.

The bot is a work in progress. Feel free to send me ideas for improvement.

@brucecaron @seis_matters @hardyoyo @marcellaflamme

Tom Narock boosted

Something I learnt about only recently (it may have been on here): for many arxiv preprints, if you replace the "x" in the url with a "5", you will get a nice accessible html :html5: version!


Works quite well for reading on your phone in the train for example 👍

Tom Narock boosted
Tom Narock boosted

We're hiring! Late breaking opening for a tenure track position at Goucher College in Baltimore. We are a primarily undergraduate institution so the focus will be on teaching. Although, there are still research opportunities. Feel free to message me with questions.

The Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) is a non-profit dedicated to lowering barriers to scientific inquiry and understanding in the Earth sciences. ESIP is currently seeking proposals for mini-grants related to data assimilation, analysis, or visualization tools related to wildfire or water resources.

While you're checking out the link, join one of ESIP's working groups. Great organization at the intersection of and

Tom Narock boosted

Great article with nice visualizations to give intuition about random forests! 👨‍🏫

Actually, I can recommend all the articles from mlu-explain

Tom Narock boosted

We are hiring a climate scientist at The Nature Conservancy to help integrate climate data and projections across our 700+ scientists and projects in 80 countries around the world.

If you know what netCDF & MIROC stand for, you dream in R or MatLab, and you love working across disciplines on projects with real-world applications, this job is for you!

Rank is flexible but we're looking for someone with independent research experience. Pls apply before Feb:

Tom Narock boosted
Tom Narock boosted

Sign of change in research culture, not just research policy:

"REF 2021’s #openaccess #mandate for journal articles and conference proceedings has arguably had the greatest impact in driving open access engagement by researchers [in the UK]. What was once a niche pursuit that was opposed by many researchers is now overwhelmingly regarded as an everyday part of the research lifecycle."

#UK #REF #CulturalChange #ResearchCulture #Policies #Mandates

Tom Narock boosted

I have a new #PostDoc #job offer for a 3-year research project on #MachineLearning, #DataScience, #climate and #PublicHealth. The position will be based in Wildau, close to Berlin, Germany.

Application (until January 31st):,koop/app/stelle?0&id=899420

I am looking for:
#Climate scientists,
#Epiverse scientists,
#AI scientists,
#Math scientists,
and mixed profiles of the above topics! :)

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are interested in similar jobs.

For anyone that's placed the mastodon verification link in a website, can you tell me how long it was before mastodon verified the page?

It's been several weeks now and I haven't seen any change. Is that unusual?

Our friends at the California Digital Library (University of California) are recruiting for a Technical Team Manager for their Publishing, Archives, and Digitization program.

This is a great opportunity for anyone looking for a job focused on building/managing technology solutions at the forefront of academic publishing.

External candidates:

Current UC employees:

Tom Narock boosted
Tom Narock boosted

PHOTO BLOG: Earlier this month, a storm chaser from the Netherlands took a wonderful photo showing several textbook ice halos, including a 46-degree halo, a 22-degree halo with parhelion (sun dogs), and an upper tangent arc.

Tom Narock boosted

Our latest #DEI paper in European Science Editing, Pourret et al. "Gender balance and geographical diversity in editorial boards of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and Chemical Geology"

Gender balance and geographical diversity in editorial boards of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and Chemical Geology

Background: Members of editorial boards of academic journals are often considered gatekeepers of knowledge and role models for the academic community. Editorial boards should be sufficiently diverse in the background of their members to facilitate publishing manuscripts representing a wide range of research paradigms, methods, and cultural perspectives.Objectives: To critically evaluate changes in the representation of binary gender and geographic diversity over time on the editorial boards of Chemical Geology and Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, flagship geochemistry journals, respectively, from the European Association of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society – Meteoritical Society partnership.Methods: The composition of editorial boards was ascertained as given in the first issue of each year, over 1965–2021 for Chemical Geology and 1950–2021 for Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, and members of the editorial boards were coded for their country of affiliation (the country of origin may have been different) and for their binary gender.Results: Gender parity, limited to men and women, and the number of countries of affiliation increased steadily between the late 1980s and 2021. However, the geographic distribution remained dominated by affiliations from North America and Western Europe. The editor-in-chief or board of editors had a significant impact on the diversity of the editorial boards, and both geographic and gender diversity may evolve with nearly every newly appointed editor. However, the persistently substantial under-representation on editorial boards of affiliations outside North America and Europe is of concern and needs to be the focus of active recruitment and ongoing monitoring. This approach will ensure that traditionally low geographic diversity is increased and maintained in the future.Conclusion: Improving diversity and inclusion of editorial boards of academic journals and strengthening journal and disciplinary reputations are mutually reinforcing. Instituting a rotating editorship with emphasis on embedding broader geographic networks and more equitable international recruitment could ensure sustained and wider geographic representation and gender balance of editorial boards and promote originality and quality of published research, representing our global communities.

For those using data repositories (e.g. Dryad, Zenodo, OSF, etc), do you have a preferred repository or do you change repositories depending on the use case?

If the latter, what factors dictate where you choose to share your data?

Tom Narock boosted

#PhD #job #machinelearning #imageomics #coolstuff #fish #traitdata A rare opportunity to join a fun team looking to reveal biological knowledge otherwise "hidden" in images using computer algorithms to extract trait data from images of fish specimens. Hooked? See and contact for more information. Pls Boost! for #tulane

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.