#EarthquakeReport #EarthquakeToot for M 7.3 #Earthquake near the Tonga trench #toottoot
thrust (compressional) earthquake along the outer rise
no #Tsunami observed on tide gages
report here includes my interpretation and a regional tectonic summary:
#EarthquakeReport #EarthquakeToot #TsunamiReport for M 7.3 #Earthquake near Tonga Trench
Here are the plots for gages that the PTWC listed as having #Tsunami waves
Pago Pago record is clear, Nukualofa record is more noisy (is it a tsunami?).
Note the difference in scale on tsunami size axis (on the right)
updated these to the report
#EarthquakeReport #TsunamiReport for M 7.3 #Earthquake Tonga trench
I missed this since the gage is on the nodal plane for the earthquake. BUT there was a #Tsunami recorded on the Pago Pago #AmericanSamoa tide gage.
Here is a screenshot
report here: https://earthjay.com/?p=10493