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As a #ScreenReader user, I find #hashtags at the end of a post to be suboptimal. As I'm unable to visually scan, I don't know that you haven't written anything after the hashtags, and hence have to choose between: listening to them anyway, or being okay with potentially missing content. When written inline within the flow of your text, this problem doesn't occur. #accessibility #a11y

Gotta remember to keep this handy. I'm always getting my eras and epochs and things mixed up.
#DeepTime #fossils #prehistory

@albinokid Great to see you here!!! Let’s make this the best place for #startrek fans to connect!

If you have downloaded your Twitter data recently, or are thinking of downloading it, here is a guide to downloading & viewing the data. Requires you to have active Twitter but it offers some ways to purview your data so that you can share some of the best with your followers here. Not the best solution, but a quick way to get started

There are also some better tools to convert your Twitter data to a more readable format from @timhutton

Chukchi Sea #seaice extent is slowly increasing but still far below median. Extent is fifth lowest since 1978 for November 19 in NSIDC data but the very mild weather pattern is ending so the rate of ice growth will increase the coming week. Bering Sea ice is near average along the Alaska coast but below normal on the Russian coast. #akwx #Arctic @Climatologist49 @ZLabe


also, i changed my preferences so that i can follow someone from my feed (an icon shows up with a plus sign that i can click to follow). this makes it easier to follow someone from a different instance.


i am using hashtags successfully, tho they take some time to propagate across different instances (servers)


also good to Boost, not just Like, toots

here's a toot to help (?) expand your network:

i do miss the ease of adding animated gifs.

for M 6.9 offshore of

Cocos Isle gage updated due to twitter peer review from Harold Tobin thanks!

also added Bintuhan record

interp poster and plots updated in report here

Nov. 20, 1933: A M7.3 earthquake struck offshore Baffin Island, #Canada.
This is the largest known #earthquake along the passive margin (east/north coasts) of #NorthAmerica and the largest (known) earthquake north of the Arctic Circle.
More information:

A few years ago I made this flow chart of which Mastodon posts end up in which timelines!

So, you can see how each instance will have a different local timeline, and even a slightly different federated timeline - and you can see why the federated timeline moves so much faster than the local one, too.

This is why it's important to boost good posts and use hashtags - the fediverse is fragmented and harder to search by nature.

[ #mastodon #meta #tootorial #howto #mastopedia #mastotip ]

There's a bit of a storm happening around the criteria for joining - the Mastodon instance for scientists, on which I'm hosted.

It's been noted that the requirement to be a publishing scientist (who has published in the past 5 years) will exclude many junior scientists, retired sciences, and those who have maybe switched to teaching.

I agree with these concerns and wonder if the criteria can be changed to be more inclusive?


Through the burning of fossil fuels, humans have released more carbon into the atmosphere than is contained in all of the plants currently living on Earth.

More than half of this has occurred since 1990.

We are transforming the Earth and the atmosphere on a truly massive scale.

Reforestation, and other natural solutions, will never match the scale of the problem without substantial emissions reductions.

#ClimateChange #FossilFuels #Carbon #CarbonDioxide

Focal Mechanisms Explained: What are those “beach balls”? by
IRIS Earthquake Science

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Tectonic stress change due to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake inferred from long-term CMT data of regular earthquakes

Toshiko Terakawa, Mitsuhiro Matsu'ura, Tectonic stress fields inferred from long-term CMT data ranging over different periods, Geophysical Journal International, 2022;, ggac449,

It's hard to overstate how much fuel the failure of the DOJ to hold the former WH occupant accountable for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection & theft of classified documents (among others) causes the MAGA crowd to aggressively assert he's done nothing wrong. That is: No charges=No Crimes.

Today’s M6.9 shallow #megathrust #earthquake (approximate location as purple blob) in the context of the #rupture areas of (numerous) previous #subduction events near #Sumatra on a map from Putra et al. (2016)

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.