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RT @Hopitaux_unige@twitter.com
Pulsations #podcast, le nouveau rendez-vous #santé des HUG! Prévention, prise en charge, innovations, au fil des épisodes, des thématiques variées vous feront découvrir la richesse de l’offre de soins aux HUG.
🔉Ecoutez le premier épisode ici : https://www.hug.ch/pulsations-podcast
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Hopitaux_unige/status/1594699300960870411
Job alert!! Join our team in Mainz and help develop the next generation of tuberculosis vaccines!
@botperrier Salut Benoît et bienvenue sur Mastodon
Hey there! I am #newhere and thrilled to join the Mastodon community.😀
I am a #biologist 🔬 by training and also hold an MSc in #epidemiology from @LSHTM. I am passionate about #clinicalresearch and #publichealth, and spent the last 15 years working on #infectiousdiseases, developing new treatments 💊 for underserved and neglected populations.
I am a mother of two, I love books, #photography and #birdwatching 🦅
Currently in transition between 2 roles; pouet are my own…
PhD in Lifescience, MSc in epi; focus on developing new treatments and diagnostics for neglected populations; #NTD; #AMR; #bioethics; #STI;