@BenHoare Hoping 'a big Twitter handle' isn't the equivalent of 'a massive tool'. Trouble is I'd worked hard to build a lovely community over there and workshop and Etsy sales from among those good nature-loving folk is the vast majority of my income, so nerve-wracking times.
@emmamitch Gawd, after I typed that I thought 'handle' was the wrong word. What I meant was - the algorithm that helps create large numbers of followers is addictive & makes you influential & it can be monetised, so it's very hard and brave to let go. I am definitely missing my own Twitter gang, and that was much more modest by comparison
@emmamitch You may need to forget follower counts - stop looking, and don't equate self-worth or value with it - your engagement is what matters. For me, the healthy, quality engagement with interesting people on different continents has been infinitely better - and I have a thimbleful of followers. For a big Twitter handle to come here, like yourself, is brave.