@juliesullivan wahhhh 👶😭 everything must confirm to my American liberal worldview
goddammit this movie was good
Me after trying out GNOME
@dave people should have to pay $100 to vote everytime
@shebang start a stardew farm with me? 😳👉👈 (a random leaf au fromage)
@lucifargundam Yeah... I'm pretty sure C11 still applies to Canadians living abroad and my recommendations are already changing to weird websites like this one
https://www.boredpanda.com/meanwhile-in-canada-pictures/ Wondering if they are already rolling it in
@nosleep fellas, is it gay if the ashes touch? 😳👉👈
@shebang Lake Tahoe
@matrix if I get reincarnated as a quebecois again I'm going straight for MAID for French dysphoria
views are my own