Punched card/clay tablets, fired as pottery. Very durable, machine readable with 19th century techy (Holerith tabulator), useless as roofing tiles (because perforated/leaky) so unlikely to be stolen and repurposed.
But really, no digital tech will survive a civilizational collapse by much more than one average human lifespan. In general only religions and larger buildings and the odd royal family go the distance. Human cultural artefacts are terribly transient.
@brent @cstross Long Now already have some thoughts https://rosettaproject.org/?ref=longnow.org
@brent @cstross as does Memory Of Mankind, who distribute clay tablet maps to their vault https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20161018-the-worlds-knowledge-is-being-buried-in-a-salt-mine